Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Canceled Her Vegas Shows This Weekend


Britney Spears is on a roll right now — she’s finally in a seemingly healthy and happy relationship, and her Vegas show is making bank. Unfortunately, Brit suffered a bit of bad luck — she injured herself when she fell down during a performance. Of course, there’s video of the accident. The fall happens toward the end of the video, around the 1:46 mark:

Such a shame, as she was basically done with her routine and was so close to having a smooth show. The fall doesn’t even really look that bad, but apparently it is. She had to cancel her shows for the weekend on the advice of her doctor. She let her fans know in this tweet:

Poor Brit! And as if to prove any naysayers, she followed up with this tweet:

At least she’s got a sense of humor about it. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery.

Side note: I still haven’t seen this show! Have you guys? It seems like it would be a really fun time.

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