Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Taylor Swift dresses for girls, not boys

taylor swift asos

I don’t know that anyone would, by any stretch of the imagination, refer to Taylor Swift as a fashion plate or anything of the sort. She’s incredibly tall and thin, making her a great vessel for great clothes, and she always looks nice in what she wears, but she’s not presenting us with groundbreaking fashion or anything. Still, ASOS magazine, put out by the fashion retailer of the same name, seems to think she’s a worthy candidate for their cover and they’ve brought us one of the tackiest photoshoots I’ve seen in ages. Seriously – what in 1970s discotheque hell?

Photos aside, the feature also has an interview in which Taylor insists that she’s never dressing up for boys with what she wears and in fact she’s more concerned with what her girlfriends think:

“When I’m getting dressed, it’s always based on what my friends will think. They are my number one priority and the opinions of girls are more important to me at this point in my life.”

Well, it’s good that she’s not dressing for boys, but how about only dressing for YOURSELF? Girls can be judgmental as shit, as well, even your “friends”, so the best way to ensure that you’re looking and feeling your best is to wear what YOU feel most comfortable and confident in. Then again, I get that this quote is just furtherance of her “Girls rule, boys drool” message she seems to be pushing in the past couple of years, so I guess I’ll give her a pass for now.

Enjoy the rest of these hot mess pictures!

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I really like the photos, and for what it’s worth I really like her style. Of course, with her figure almost everything looks great, but she does retro-classic-cute with a twist very well. I must say I also admire the rebranding. Three years ago she was the crazy ex that everyone loved to ridicule and now she’s turned herself into an actual role model for young girls who speaks a lot more sense than most celebrities. Also, her haircut is so good.