Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Lindsay Goes Cowgirl

A photo of Lindsay Lohan

Being a Southern girl, I see lots of western wear on a daily basis. I do like some of it – I have an awesome pair of pink cowboy boots, for example – but for the most part, I just really can’t appreciate it. I don’t really care for the hats, and I think the super tight jeans are kind of awkward. But you know what my very least favorite element of that whole style is? Fringe. I cannot stand fringe.

Lindsay Lohan, though, she obviously doesn’t share my thoughts, because she managed to wear that little ensemble you see above. And even the hat I can understand. I don’t like it personally, but I won’t hold it against someone for wanting to throw on a cowboy hat for funzies. But that awful white fringe on that leather jacket? No. No passes. No excuses. No forgiveness.

Oh, and just in case you guys want to see girlfriend pull a Classic Lindsay, I have one extra special photo for you. It’s not really NSFW in that her crotch is definitely completely covered, but, you know, I don’t really want to see this every time I load the front page. You understand.

A photo of Lindsay Lohan

What’s that pink thing on her thigh? Do you see it? I think it’s either a band-aid or a chewed up piece of gum she’s saving for later. What do you think?

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I don’t object to her fashion choices so much as I object to her plastic surgery choices.

    SHE WAS SO MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL BEFORE LIP PUFFER injections. Whatever it is they do.

    Why, Lindsay, why? Did some asshole make you irrevocably insecure about your looks? Because I’ve been there, but I guess I just hoped better for you somehow. But I guess if you are irrevocably insecure about your looks, no amount of money or fame or whatever….. will cure you.

    So, fame is no cadeau. All it does, if you are irrevocably insecure, is to put it all there for the masses to chew up and clean your their teeth on your bones and spit you out.

  • So, fame is no cadeau. All it does, if you are irrevocably insecure, is to put it all there for the masses to chew up and clean your their teeth on your bones and spit you out.

    Revised version (guess I got too passionate about editing…)

    So, fame is no cadeau. All it does, if you are irrevocably insecure, is to put it all up there for the masses to chew you up and clean their teeth on your bones and then spit you out.

  • I guess it’s obvious by now that I really dislike her for not being more true to her essential beauty, as opposed to some type of beauty she perceives as true.

  • Back when she first came out I was a huge LiLo Fan, but people change! I sure as hell did. Her outfit is horrible, she reminds me of one of those people who think its ok to wear different shades of the color black as long as it black it matches. NO! She used to have a great body. (<<—Key word in that sentence USED!) She has skinny legs, a mini beer gut and a double chin!!

  • How is it that little Lindsay, 26, looks like Donatella Versace?

    *cough* Well, almost.

    Wonky eyes (like a Picasso that one)
    Chewbacca’s pelt on her head (Go freakin look! It is!)
    Alfred E Newman’s face
    Kristina Rei’s lips (may God bless that crazy chica)
    Ana Anamia’s legs

    A very slightly poochy belly, which wouldn’t have been noticeable except she decided to get stupid and wear that damned leotard. Her ONE good asset (bought and paid for) is her tits. Why, for the man-love of Travolta, would she cover them up?!??!!

    The black I can deal with, since different shades and tints of black appear the same under dim lighting. Camera flashes aren’t normal lighting.

    The outfit, as a whole though, is horrid. All of it.

    She even managed to make her TOES look bad in those bedazzled pedstrocities.