Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Has A Great Idea for A Movie

A photo of Lindsay Lohan

Just look at that face. That’s the face of a woman with passion, with a work ethic you wouldn’t believe. That’s the face of a woman who’s going places. You can see the creativity blazing in her eyes, and underneath all that gorgeous hair, you can be sure that a million ideas are being born. But above all else, this is the face of a woman who knows what she wants.

So what does Lindsay want now? Oh, no big deal, just to co-star in a movie with Jennifer Lawrence. Here’s this idea that Lindsay tweeted:

Jennifer Lawrence in “The Hunger Games” is genius. I want to do Thelma&Louise w/her but ala Natural Born Killers (style wise) 2 girls-2 guys

The kicker for me – and I’m not sure why this struck me as so incredibly sad/funny/”poor Lindsay” – is that she followed that idea up with a simple “thoughts?” Like she thinks she actually had this great idea that is even possible and she wants to know what everyone thinks of it. At this point in her career, Lindsay saying that she wants to do a movie with Jennifer Lawrence would be only very slightly more realistic than you or me saying that we want to do a movie with Jennifer Lawrence. It’s just not ever going to happen, and it’s really odd that she thinks it could.

But hey, do you think that there’s any chance that Jennifer Lawrence would actually do this movie, just for the giggles?

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  • *GROAN*

    Why oh why don’t their handlers keep their charge’s mouths shut? Do these stars treat them so craptastically that they stand around and snicker?

    Be that as it may, I’d watch it (on Netflix) for a laugh. It’d be Gigli or Glitter (as recently mentioned) bad.

    And, actually, at this point I’d say it’d be MORE LIKELY that I’d get to do a movie with Jennifer Lawrence than crazy Lohan. She’s a problem even when they do give her work.

    Oh, and you’d get a better plot (is that even a plot? not really.) or “theme” from random generators. Try tvtropes (but be careful. That site will eat hours of your time.).

  • It makes me feel kind of sad that Lindsay Lohan doesn’t realize what a grotsky little beyotch she’s become.