Today's Evil Beet Gossip

PHOTOS: Is Miley Cyrus Cutting, Vol. II

photo of miley cyrus cutting pictures
First, I realize that these photos are “old” in that they were taken pre-blonde Miley, but they’re still recent within the last two weeks, so please allow me to clarify that.

Second, I just don’t even know. Are these cutting marks? Do they look like self-inflicted cutting scars, or do you think maybe, optimistically, that they’re scratches from new new puppies? In the first set of Miley Cyrus Cutting Photos, some of you guys commented that maybe the markings were made by a dog leash she was holding (from being wrapped around her wrist, but … I don’t know about that), and others agreed, but do you think that these scratches are dog-induced? There’s a part of me saying, “Yeah, duh, they’re totally puppy scratches, haven’t you ever owned a dog?” but there’s an entirely different part of me (OK, so maybe not so different, but ‘contrary’, I guess would be the better choice of words) saying “Oh, yeah, that’s definitely sharp instrument-made score marks.”

I don’t know. Leave your guesses in the comments, but be sure to check out the rest of the photos in the gallery. For scientific purposes, of course. There’s a close-up in there somewhere.

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • If she’s cutting, she’s doing it wrong. You’re supposed to go down the street, not across the road. Stupid hipsters so everything wrong.

    • That’s silly. Cutting down is to commit suicide, self harm doesn’t seek death but just escape from psychological pain. I’ve seen more self harm scars and they don’t go down because they don’t want to kill themselves.

  • probably from an animal.. i have a kitty and get some pretty gnarly scratches- it’s no cry for help.

  • Her nipples must have cut her wrists, those things are hanging lower and lower. WEAR A BRA WOMAN!

  • Yeah, those are self harm scars. I have both. Just to hurt and to commit suicide. Hers are for self harm. (Relief from emotional pain)

  • IT’S ALL DISNEY’S FAULT. same can be said for demi levato, britney, linds, OH how the list will go on & on…..


  • If you compare these pictures to the ones before they are similar. The two marks close together at the top with the lower of the two thicker than the other. Obviously she’s wearing a bracelet over the marks closer to her hand.