Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Justin Bieber is Temperamental

photo of justin bieber angry face pictures
In case you guys didn’t hear the big news, Justin Bieber hung up the phone during a recent interview with some radio station and the little man hung up after he was badgered by the show’s hosts about music and his mom. From Starpulse:

The 10-minute interview got off to a bad start when Carballo told his guest he thought he was Timberlake the first time he heard him. Bieber said, “That’s funny because our voices sound nothing alike… Saying I sound like somebody else is definitely not a compliment.”

The singer lightened up when talking about his new song Maria, which was inspired by the woman who falsely claimed Bieber was the father of her baby last year, but he lost his cool when cheeky Carballo got personal and asked if he was worried about his One Direction pal Harry Styles falling for his mom.

The DJ said, “Do you worry about Harry around your mom, since he likes older women?”

Clearly upset Bieber then mumbled something about Carballo’s mother and, as the radio presenter explained his mom was dead, the pop star hung up the phone.

A record company representative then tried to convince the DJ that the singer’s phone had cut off, explaining, “I can’t get him. He’s in a really s**tty area.” She later revealed Bieber was “upset” with the questions, adding, “He probably won’t be calling back.”

Ooh, aren’t you impressed? Justin Bieber knows how to work the “end call” feature on his phone. What an upstanding, mature young man we’re dealing with, guys.

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Really not a fan of Beiber. But some shitty DJ who has delusions that he can be the next Howard Stern cracks a joke about his mom sleeping with another singer, Beiber hangs up, and that somehow makes him a bad guy??? Right.

    • That’s what I was thinking! The DJ deserved to be hung up on. Although really it sounds like Bieber was grumpy to begin with. Being compared to JT is not a compliment? Get over yourself.

    • “Do you worry about Harry around your mom, since he likes older women?”

      All the people on this site would be so offended if this was a joke about a friend of their own falling for their mother? Unless it was at the end of a long line of needling questions it’s obviously a jest which a smarter easier-going person would have a laugh about and a good comeback. It’s not insulting you, it’s not insulting your mom, but it does make you cringe a little and that’s part of the joke.

  • I would agree with the over all commentary here IF, and this is a large if, Justin Beiber hadn’t consistently shown douch and douche adjacent tendencies before this interview. Yes it is reasonable to end a call/interview when ones mother is being objectified, but that’s not what Justin Beiber did, Justin threw a fit and pouted because he is not clever enough to tell a dj that his mother is ‘not up for discussion’. He’s a multi-multimillion dollar baby, without two bits of common sense or class to his name.

  • i love you justin bieber even if he goes to jail for 8 monthes i just hope he gets out of jail in time so we can get married

  • I am so tired of this little weenie and his wah-wah-wah. Everyone would pretty much have forgotten about the Baby Mama Drama if he hadn’t written a song about it. I thinks he kind of likes it. It makes him look like a Studdley Do Right. He’s just a little bitch princess in love with himself.

  • I loathe everything about Justin Bieber. Just grow the fuck up already. It’s not as if teenagers don’t poke fun at their friends’ parents all the time. He acts like he’s the only person who has ever had a joke made at his expense.

  • oh justified – but he still looks like a lesbian to me. wtf its like all these girls have a lesbian crush which would be ok w/ me if he were a chick