Can I ask you guys a really serious question? Can babies ever not be adorable? I know there are different views on this, but on the real right now, I want to discuss this. Personally, I’ve seen babies who were a little more photogenic than others, and I’ve seen babies who almost unbearably adorable, but I’ve never been like “oh, that’s an ugly baby.” That just feels like a horrible thing to say, and I’m not sure why, but it makes me a little uncomfortable. All babies are precious. Because they are babies, and that is the only way babies are made.
Ok, I think I’ve talked about theoretical babies enough, let’s move on to a real live one, all right? Because Hilary Duff gave birth to her son, Luca Cruz, two weeks ago, and she decided it was high time to share a picture of him with the world, via Twitter. Want to see him?
Look, you guys, it’s a baby! With big baby eyes and chubby baby cheeks and those little baby lips! BABIES!
I beg to differ – it’s a matter of personal taste, cultural understanding of aesthetics, etc., but some babies are not just less photogenic than others but downright scary ugly, especially that soon after birth, when they are still all smooshed and alien-looking. But really, some never grow out of it, so to speak. It shouldn’t make you uncomfortable. Just like there are ugly adults, there are ugly babies. My neighbors’s babies are all kind of moronic, with quite unsightly features. My sister in laws son looks like a perpetually surprised frog. I am 38 weeks pregnant with a boy and I am sure hoping he’ll be handsome, but I keep an open mind :))
I think with babies you better concentrate on health, intelligence, and character, and looks can be easily adjusted when (if) it becomes important. Because it’s unfortunate to have an ugly baby, but it’s a disaster to have a moody, spoiled, or ill tempered baby.
This particular baby doesn’t strike me as cute. He’s okay, though. At least he’s real, not a decoy baby doll :)))
Some babies are ugly. My mum always takes great pleasure in reminding me I was dog ugly as a baby. Then I got better (slightly!). This one isn’t, he’s very cute, but some babies are, indeed, ugly.
ET has come home!