Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Morning Wood

photo of eva longoria hot pictures photos

The worst photo of Kim Kardashian that you’ll ever see. [The Superficial]

If Bridget Jones dies in the newest movie, I will burn all of my Helen Fielding books, I swear. [Lainey Gossip]

Jay Z verbally jacks his wife off. [Bossip]

Halle Berry’s boobs celebrated her forty-fifth birthday. [Starpulse]

The top 10 most unsexy sexy songs. [theBERRY]

The Zombie 108 trailer. It’s creepy. [Pajiba]

Kate Hudson shows first photo of baby on Twitter. [INFDaily]

An ode to vibrators on film. [The Frisky]

More photographic evidence that Selena Gomez got a boob job. Maybe. [Amy Grindhouse]

Jessica Alba gave birth to a baby girl. [Socialite Life]

Gary Shirley spent $5k on strippers. [ICYDK]

Who said Nick Cannon has a small wee? [Cele|bitchy]

Eva Longoria still has some vengeance issues. [Caught on Set]

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