Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Natalie Portman Used to Love Smoking Weed

“I love stoner comedies. I smoked weed in college, but I haven’t smoked in years. I’m too old. I wish I was that cool, but I’m like an old lady now. I’m in bed by 10pm. I can’t do that anymore.”

Natalie Portman, admitting she used to love to blow trees back in the day, in an interview about her new movie, Your Highness.

Natalie Portman’s what, 30-years-old? She may be pregnant, but too old to blaze? I’m not buying it. In fact, I don’t believe anyone in Hollywood who says they don’t smoke weed. Unless, you know, I can identify what their other vice is. Plus she went to college at Harvard. Boston doesn’t have the worst weed on the planet, I doubt that the last cheebah she smoked was stuff she found in Cambridge.