Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ashton and Demi Speak Out About That Whole ‘Cheating’ Thing

And where else would they have a platform to discuss their views on various topics such as marital infidelity other than Twitter? These two can’t stay the fuck off of Twitter, so why would you expect their business to?

Addressing the nasty allegations that Ashton was ‘visibly aroused’ while dry-humping some leggy model type against a wall at a club (uh, the hotness), Kutcher insinuates that Star might be sued:

And naturally, Demi comes to Ashton’s aid by retweeting everything he said, while adding her own two cents in saying, “Excellent point my love,” and “No question.”

Yep. No question that Demi would totally overlook anything Ashton ever happened to do just to keep him with her, as long as it didn’t tarnish her preternaturally young visage and reputation. What good is looking twenty if you don’t have someone who doesn’t look your age to tote along with you? That kind of shit’s the best sort of accessory — “no question.”

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