Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay’s Not Only Detoxing, She’s Dehydrating, Too

According to “sources close to Lindsay Lohan,” she’s having a hard time with some of the prison staff at Lynwood, and can’t get access to non-gross drinking water.

Prison staff told TMZ that prisoners can “order” water once a week, and since Lindsay came in halfway through a cycle, she’s not entitled to ordering fresh drinking water until sometime next week.

Though I’m not completely sure if I believe it all, or whether or not the story’s been embellished for dramatic flair, it would suck if that were true. I drink water from the time I wake up to the time I fall asleep (and yes, if you were wondering, I do pee a lot) and it’d be really awful if someone told me I couldn’t. And drinking out of a prison sink faucet? Yeah, it’s jail, but come on.

14 CommentsLeave a comment

  • You live in fucking California – drink the water you waste of fuckin’ skin! I cannot believe that people, Sarah included, feel bad for this girl?! She is only experiencing what all the rest of us would if we broke all the same laws she did. She is a mess. Her life is a mess. Treat her like the fucking mess she is. It is called reality and hopefully, Lindsay is swallowing a giant dose of it!

  • This is America, not a third-world country. Tap water is highly regulated (and often held to a higher standard than bottled water). It doesn’t always taste great, since different areas have different concentrations of minerals, but it’s not unsafe to drink. If Ms. Lohan is dehydrated, it’s because she’s an H20 snob, not because there is no water available.

  • You have to be a total nitwit if you think the bottled water you buy is any better than tap water. Leaving aside the idiocy of all the plastic bottles wasted to tote around filtered water, you can install a filter on your faucet if you’re that paranoid.

    • I always laugh at the people in line at the gas station complaining to the cashier that gas is now over $1/litre when at the same time they are paying about $3/litre for the bottled WATER in their hands. People are fucking stupid.

      • Amazing what people will buy without thinking. Marketing and advertising are powerful influences, no doubt.

  • There are tons of pharmaceuticals in drinking water due to what Americans are flushing and dumping. I figured Lindsay would be gulping that shit down.

  • Absolutely no sympathy. The bottled water industry is disgusting and so is Lindsay Lohan. Watch the short film Tapped if you want more info on the bottled water industry. Awful.

    But not like I expect Lindsay Lohan to give a shit about, you know, the rest of the world.

  • Grow the f*ck up, and welcome to the real world. Yes, water in a bottle is considered a luxury in jail – and if you don’t have any money on your books, or you got booked in after commisary ordered (and your jail even OFFERS water in a bottle – San Jose didn’t during my stint), guess what? You’re f*cked, without the cute little asterisk. Hope you like a little carton of milk three times a day! Give me another f*cking break.
    Do your paltry little time, Lohan – and all you little boo-hooers enjoy your bottled water that absolutley IS a luxury. Go drink the water from your sink faucet – it is still wet, I assure you.
    Sheesh. Pussies.