We linked you guys earlier in the week to a clip from the Kendra Wilkinson sex tape, and yesterday a 10-minute clip from her teenage sex video hit the ‘net. It’s NOT safe for work, but you can watch it here if you’re so inclined.
This tape is infuriating to me. Not because I have any problem with watching sex on tape — for the record, I watched the Pirates porn last week, and it was better than 75% of the mainstream movies I’ve seen this year. No joke. And normally these celeb sex tapes don’t bother me either, but this one in particular pisses me off.
Kendra doesn’t really want to be videotaped. She says so on quite a few occasions.
“Please don’t do it,” she says. “Please?”
“Kendra,” he says, annoyed. “I’m barely zooming in. Just go.”
“Can you not?”
“You’ll like it. Trust me. Watch. Go.”
Kendra seems resigned to her fate, and, almost instantaneously, she shifts characters, from a very young woman being pressured into a sexual situation she finds uncomfortable to a willing sexpot, grinding obligingly on the bed with a black panther blanket across it. (Jesus Christ.)
As her male companion puts the camera close-up on her vagina, she shuts her legs.
“What?” he whines. “Just do it. Just keep messing around.”
She pushes him and the camera away several times after that, each time slipping instantly back into character as soon as he expresses annoyance.
He begins performing oral sex on her. She’s not entirely comfortable with this. She wriggles around and clamps her legs close, against his head.
“Keep ’em open. Keep ’em open. Keep ’em open. Open your legs. Open ’em. Open ’em.”
They have sex. He has trouble staying hard. He’s gross, really — a balding redhead in his early teens or late twenties with a pube-hair goatee, bad teeth and a too-large nose — pudgy and pale all over.
He cums inside her, even though she’s obviously asked him not to. She makes a face and she rolls off the bed. He acts surprised and upset by her action. She tells him she doesn’t like it when he does that. He mutters something about a blow job.
This isn’t a sex tape, really. It’s that thing we talk about that happens to our young women. That thing that we, as grown-ups, write about and research incessantly and condemn broadly, but don’t remember so vividly. It’s right here on video.
It reminds me to some extent of the Paris Hilton sex tape, but even more so here. It’s that space where young women have discovered and perfected their sexuality and its value, but haven’t yet figured out how it’s empowering. They just know that it’s something people want from them; it’s something people expect from them. Something young men expect from them; something, perhaps, that young men haven’t learned how to ask for politely. It’s uncomfortable and new and everybody’s learning, and what happens, more often than not, is that the male partner’s desires come first and more forcefully, and the young woman is disrespected and disempowered and left with a sense that she’s less valuable and less capable of demanding respect and control than her male counterpart — a sense than lingers into her twenties and beyond, even though she might not recognize it as such.
You should not be turned on by this. You should be pissed off.
This isn’t rape — not even close. And Kendra’s not even unhappy the whole time. But you can tell who’s in charge; you can tell who’s in control. It’s made clear. Kendra’s requests are completely ignored; she’s totally disrespected here, naked and exposed.
So the next time some enterprising journalist wants to wax poetic on “what’s happening to our daughters” — to cite studies and surveys and books upon books — maybe she could take ten minutes and watch the Kendra Wilkinson sex tape. What’s happening to them is right here, right on video.
Um…there’s an ad on this very page for the Kendra sex tape that reads:
Kendra Wilkinson sextape is here. Burning hot video footage!
And if you always thought she was the wildest of the Girls Next Door, you had no idea how right you were! Before she wore a bunny tail, see her oblivious to the camera, lost in ecstasy.
No further comment is necessary.
Yeah I know. I don’t always get a say in those ads. :(
That’s too bad. You should. I bet you’d have a LOT to say about some of the ads!
Kendra SexTape Exposed! Her sex tape is awesome! Watch on
I find the ad horrible. Sorry you have to put up with it.
Can’t you CHOOSE to have the ad removed? Can’t you CHOOSE to shut your website down if removing the ad meant you’d have to do it?
I find it amusing how women get to make their CHOICES, get burned by them and somehow in the end it’s always the masculine world’s fault. Where I come from, you CHOOSE, you live with the consequences. So you better get yourself a decent man in the first place, because no one will listen to your cries of “baaww this super hot manly guy with diminished brain activity but who makes my hormones got bump in the night disrespected my human dignity by quasi-raping me, this world is so unfair and everyone is evil, specially men”. Just saying.
wow evil beet give it up will ya that was alot of writing about some stupid video that kendra wanted released to make her popular again and people like you try to make it seem like she was so wronged but really she agreed and was also old enough to now better
this looks oddly similar.
um because it was posted on beet then on that site w/permission.
AMEN to that.
Preach it, Girl!
I love you, Beet. This is why I still come here.
I miss this kind of content.
I also agree with Mandy; however there’s something about the juxtaposition of a gossip site and this clear (occasional) feminist voice that I find interesting.
We’ll get there.
Oops, meant to drop that at the end of the thread.
You know, I read the crap that Molls spews on this site and almost get to the point of unsubscribing, and then comes a shot of insight. Thanks Beet. You’re spot on. More like this please.
Well said Beet :-) I’ve not seen the tape, but it sounds pretty disgusting from what you’ve said here.
Beet, as much as I like the other writers (and I do, really! Okay, maybe not Sarah as much as Molls and Emily, but still, mostly!), I miss you, your posts always make my eyes turn into hearts.
Damn, E. Where’s the love?
You kind of lost me when you called Mariah Carey fat, sorry. Oh, yeah, I know, you weren’t SAYING it, except you were, and that’s just bad form.
Don’t worry Sarah I think you’re fantastic
Thanks! I think you’re fantastic just on the grounds that you’re nice. :)
Compare the writing in this post with every bit of dreck that’s come out of your other writers, then contemplate why you’ve lost half your readership this year, Beet. Srsly, I know it’s not easy to turn out this quality of writing several times a day, but the other writers aren’t even trying. If they are trying, it’s even sadder.
very well said Beet. I wish I could see this commentary, in it’s entirety, in every newpaper editorial page in the country.
Wow, Beet, man you hit the nail on the head with your commentary. That is so true and it is sad that it happens to girls today, yesterday and back in the “good old days.” It takes us too long to realize that we own our own bodies…..the hell with what some man tells us! The hell with what we “think” we are supposed to do to be “sexy” and, well, loved.
Your link to the clip doesn’t work.
I think World Star had to pull it. I’m sure it’s running around the Internet somewhere now …
Not really interested enough to go hunting for it. But I did go and find myself Pirates, and the sequel, Pirates: Stagnetti’s Revenge! I’m getting some tonight…..with or without my girlfriend!
thank you for this post, especially the paragraph beginning “it reminds me to some extent of the paris hilton sex tape…” it’s empowering to know there are other women out there as concerned as i about the way young boys treat young women and sex.
The whole thing sounds fucking gross. I can’t stand porn if the male star is way below average, looks-wise. It’s just gross. I had the misfortune of watching a Chinese porn while in college. The guys were soooo small it was unbelievable. I know it’s a stupid stereotype, BUT these dudes were like Elmer glue sticks. And, the English subtitles were hysterical. Almost every word was misspelled.
really well said. something i wouldn’t have thought of otherwise but all too true
Wow. This saddens and angers me.
Nah, these girls are whores who should be forced to feel ashamed for their behavior by everyone so she can’t steal my husband.
This was an excellent post
Kendra Wilkinson is a dumb slut. Period. I have no sympathy for this chick because if she REALLY didn’t want to have sex and/or be with this dude SHE’D FUCKING LEAVE. Her conscience (or what’s left of it) is probably telling her “Ya, you reallyyy shouldn’t be making a sex tape right now”, so she’s hesitant. However whore is in her DNA, therefore she just can’t bring herself to tell redhead to get lost. I hope her kid sees this someday.
Victim blaming is lame. People get pressured or manipulated into doing something they don’t want to do all the time.
Ya Alex, [insert name here] MADE Kendra make the sex tape! She didn’t want to but she just felt sooo pressured! She wanted to fit in and be cool!”
What about that guy in the room with her? You know, that strapping, sexy lad with all the sterling character who is doing his best to impersonate a rutting piglet. He looks like something you would find on the Christmas sideboard – with an apple in it’s mouth.
I hope his kid sees this someday too. The Kid’ll throw up.
im with u man… probably thats all acted up… and why are we defending a girl who got nude for 5 years in exchange from money? I dont buy this shes an angel poor girl crap…
“…balding redhead in his early teens or late twenties …”
Oh geezus, I hope you mean late teens/early twenties. My son is almost 13 and this makes me scared.
Wow, love this article!
Sorry, can’t take this rant seriously. The moral of the story, I agree with, that the tape is sleezy, but you run a site with its own section for “nip slips”, “pussy slips”, etc- do you think getting paid to host pictures of private parts that the celebrities most likely didn’t want anyone to see is any better than a guy (albeit creepily) getting his own girlfriend to be filmed (when, by the way she ended up doing all her own)? And that ‘Kendra’ ad over there- even if you personally don’t have a say in it- is just laughable next to this essay. Zelda Lily should never call itself a feminist site family.
Absolutely please get off your high horse if she didn’t wanna do it she could have stopped it on her own let’s all cry for this poor slut I watched the whole tape and she spends more time enjoying herself than not she’s a whore who sells herself and sex for money so who cares I certainly don’t and leave redheads alone how dare you make it sound disgusting that he has red hair you sound so tolerant
I can’t tell if this is a joke, or if you’re an idiot.
Haha oh amen. Thank you H.
All whores should be eradicated through public stonings. It worked during the middle ages AND in Iran!
U making fun from iran? if ur disgusted by that the blame the usa army who had killed millions in irak for oil, thats even more reprochable…
I am beyond glad you brought this up Beet, however I do agree with Mandy.
As the mother of 2 girls, thank you Beet, very well said.
Oy. So the truth, I haven’t seen the video yet but the whole article makes me think of my first few times and I honestly feel that the difference in the way boys and girls learn about sex is the key here. I was always told to wait untill I was married/wait untill I was in love, don’t give anything away! which I think is good advice but not always practical. No one ever teaches teenage girls to ask for what they want, and to enjoy yet explore their sexuality responsibly. I think we all go into it so blindly and often ashamed of what we are doing, why can’t we teach our young women to own their bodies, not be ashamed and yet still be responsible? Why does it have to be such a taboo within society for a young woman to express and appreciate her sexuality the same way young men do? If women where able to enjoy their first time and feel empowered by it and not embarrassed or ashamed and able to talk about it with their mothers or sisters or friends without feeling judged maybe they would have more confidence in themselves to stand up for what they want and how they are feeling with those first few boyfriends.
very good point, jd. definitely something to think about seriously when raising girls
because whores are fun & easy targets
Excellent point JD. Women have to know what we want in order to ask for it & demand it. I found the roughest patch in becoming a Dominatrix was learning what _I_ wanted slaves to do for me.
Many of us (including me until age 29) never consider our own sexual needs, much less prioritize our needs and then demand our needs be met. However once we know what we want we’re more than halfway to a big O!
I loved this post, Sasha, but somewhere on this post you stated “a balding redhead in his EARLY TEENS or late twenties”.
I assume it’s a mistake, otherwise it’s the most disturbing piece about this tape.
Mistake. Should have been “late teens or early twenties.” I don’t have a copy editor for this shit, you guys.
great post
cannot agree more with you!!
thanks for giving a sensible view of the kendra sex tape thing, most sites are simply calling kendra a wh*re, which pisses me off completely
GREAT post.
It’s that space where young women have discovered and perfected their sexuality and its value, but haven’t yet figured out how it’s empowering.
To the writer of this nonsense,
You’re ridiculous.
She made the decision to have sex on camera. She wasn’t raped.
You say it’s wrong to degrade whores then say redheads are gross. That’s pretty hypocritical of you.
If you’re so disgusted by this video & you can’t control the ads on your own website, then quit. If you don’t quit, you’re even more of a hypocrite. But I’m sure you’re willing to sell out your own ‘beliefs’ & keep writing this gibberish for a few bucks, whore.
You’re just a shameless self-promoter who’s trying to cling onto her sextape’s attention by writing ignorant rants. You’d be better off making a name for yourself by actually doing something with your life, attention-whore.
Uggghhh. Why even come here if you hate her so much? Go read Perez and spew your hate over there where it belongs.
Nowhere in the post does it say she was raped.
It says, QUITE CLEARLY, that she wasn’t.
The point of this is that young woman in this country aren’t raised with enough self insight and self respect to REALIZE that they can and should say ,”No.” to things that make them uncomfortable. The writer is attempting to draw our attention to this silent epidemic. I’d venture to say that a majority of American women have gone through something similar, (although not necessarily on tape). We all know it happens, but you bury it in the past with all the other mistakes you make as a young woman trying to grow up and figure out who she is and where she fits in the world. Maybe the point is that we need to stop burying these things. We need to dig them up and shine the hard, cold light of day on them so we can teach OUR daughters how to stand up for themselves.
First off Danielle nowhere does it say in anons post that they hate her or this website and I agree with this post completely talk about forcing people into something they don’t want do you think Britney Spears wants her vagina shown off when she had no knowledge that a pic was being taken at all but yet the evil beet posts these pictures in there nip slip and crotch shot galleries and as a redhead I’m deeply insulted by her statement that one of the main reasons he’s so disgusting is because he’s pale and has red hair
Oh God. Now people are internalizing this nonsense…
lol standing o
Thank you for this post. I’m still in my early twenties and I don’t think I’ve completely grown out of this phase. I have always felt this, but I was never sure if it was just an illusion, or if I was wrong for feeling disrespected sometimes…Society is bombarding young women with the message that they must do what they can to please a man, their own pleasure is not important. It’s hard to decide to take control when one part of your brain is telling you that you won’t be accepted or loved if you don’t do what you’re expected to do. Of course Kendra wasn’t forced to make that tape, but I can COMPLETELY understand how she may not have wanted to and did it anyway.
Maybe now that the idea has been put out there for me, I’ll be able to do something to fix my own behavior.
Also, I’m sure you realize this, Beet, but the people that are against this post obviously do not understand what you mean. They’ve completely missed the point. Putting this post on a gossip site may seem hypocritical (I don’t think it is, but I can see why people might think that), but I don’t see why we can’t have frivolous diversions intertwined with more serious ideas. They’re not mutually exclusive. Thanks again for the entertainment and enlightenment. ;)
We all do things that we, in hindsight, wish we hadn’t done. Kendra’s getting into bed with that disgusting Troll is proof of that. Alas, bad sexual adventures sometimes do happen to good people. The good thing is; she’s not married to him. He’s not her baby daddy (thank God). In truth, sex with that mutt should be nothing more than a foul, soiling memory. And a huge lesson. Several things learned here: 1) Just say “no” to ugly, disgusting men. 2) I don’t care if the guy is your husband – break his arm off if, in addition to other things, he whips out a camera. 3) Any guy who attempts to coerce you into doing something you don’t want to do is a swine and a bastard and needs to be kicked to the curb, or at least, out of your bed. 4) Don’t listen to the messages sent by “society.” It’s all a crap. 5) You don’t have to apologize for anything. 6) Love is spectacular as long as it’s a win-win situation for everyone – including you. 7) People make mistakes – if you make one, just dust yourself off and move along.
No Worries
this is the best post ever, now I really know why there’s a reason to keep reading on evilbeetgossip.
great post, beet.
Who the Hell is that guy? How in the world did she end up in bed with that garden gnome? No wonder she is mortified. He is absolutely vile. I would be taking out adds in the New York Times saying “I was drunk at the time – my vision was impaired!!! I was drugged!!! That wasn’t me!!!”
I guess this is the sort of encounter that prepares you to be one of Hef’s “girlfriends.”
Hating yourself the morning after is one thing. Having the biggest, grossest mistake of your life broadcast all over the planet is another.
Here’s a new song for Katie Perry. “I Fucked a Goober and I lost IQ points.”
Kendra, sweetie, you have my sympathies. This too shall pass.
why u ranting about the guy? this is probably a try out for an actual porn(obviously she didnt get the role) Honestly in the video she doesnt look hot at all… She is pale, with little tits, an ugly vagina, fugly hair, etc… She had to get like tits and taning and pro make up in order to look cute 4 playboy so stop whining about the guy when she doesnt look like a hottie in the vid…
You are obviously a guy. Deal with it. He is about as ugly as they come. Seeing him naked is an abomination and an insult to the eye. Yes. I rant about the guy. If you are going to make a sex tape of yourself, and post it for all to see, and you are a guy, you had better be well muscled and attractive and be able to keep a hard on at minimum.
This idiot looks lik Pop n Fresh.
I really sympathize with this girl. I feel like I raped myself over and over in my late teens by saying yes when I wanted to say no. I think people forget whAt pressure we put on our young women to always try hard to be accommodating in their day to day life. It is hard to say no to a man who wants to pressure you into a sex act you’re uncomfortable with when you have to fight against that kind of conditioning- especially if he is someone you like and fear disappointing and displeasing. Obviously if he’s manipulating you like the man in the tape is lenders he’s not with your time, but as a young woman who is still unaware of the true value of your sexuality, this can be hard to see.
For those of you who called her a slut and said she was old enough to know better, please take a moment to remember yourselves at eighteen. None of us were really grown up, none of us were really sure of our self identities our our voices.
But we sure as hell believed we were.
I would hazard a guess that all of us allowed ourselves to be pressured into some questionable choices at this age. Unfortunatly, kendras was videotaped. Just because yours wasn’t made public doesn’t give you the right to cast stones.
And as for profiting from it, why the hell shouldn’t she? Better kendra makes a few bucks from the exploitation of her body than he man who made the film. You know this would have gotten out and been sold one way or the other, and quite frankly I would rather she be in control of the situation.
Thanks so much for this, it needed to be said. And also please kindly disregard the filth who called you horrible things, they’re absolutely wrong and disgusting.
Do we really need a play-by-play of that crap? This sounds like a damn porn novel being listened to on tape. Who cares man? she did what she did, this is a sorry excuse to try and prove how you feel about some sort of feminist/disrespecting bullcrap some women like to go on and on about. And I’m a chick here, and I even I think you’re looking way to much into it.
the play by play was the best part! living vicariously through others is the safest way to live.
wow. well said.
wow beet, thanks for that. honestly, it’s something that i’m sure most of us women have dealt with at some point in our lives but are too ashamed to admit.
**THANK YOU** for writing this. Every word of it rings so true.
Come watch or download the full Kendra Wilkinson Sex Tape for Free http://bit.ly/c3i5Fy
you know, I get what you’re saying but I’m not sure how her boyfriend being “gross” is relevant to this at all. that’s kind of gross of you to even bring it up, actually.
actually the more I think about it the more I hate it. Are you saying this is the kind of behavior you’d expect from a less-than-attractive man? are you saying that only less-than-attractive men pressure women into sexual acts? what did you hope to accomplish by pointing out the man’s physical flaws?
Kudos to you Kate great point and as a redhead myself I was a tad offended by a lot of these statements and for the record no matter how ugly and gross Ms. Beet thinks I am. I’ve never forced or tried to pressure any woman I’ve been with into something they don’t want
don’t get me wrong, I am NOT trying to make this about you or any other redhead. If you’re offended, that’s your problem, and I won’t hear any “omg poor meeee” about it. It’s not about you at all. It’s about the common misconception that this isn’t the kind of behavior that conventionally attractive men engage in.
So are you saying me being a redhead is a problem that’s quite insulting and I’m not making this about me I’m making this about humans in general
This is terribly sad……I feel so bad for her…at least when she was posing for playboy and was with Hef it seemed like she wanted to be there…..this right here is just…sick.
I think instead of focusing on how women are being subjugated and losing sexual empowerment, the writer should’ve asked the question, “Why do bright, beautiful, sexually empowered women only go for douchebags who don’t respect them and make them feel like shit?”
Also, the writer goes out of her way to describe the male in the video and paint him as an physically ugly specimen, as if his physical appearance has anything to do with the ugliness of his demands. How is her shallowness not part of the problem?
“Why do bright, beautiful, sexually empowered women only go for douchebags who don’t respect them and make them feel like shit?”
Very well-written and thought out article, Evil Beet.
You ma’am are an idiot
haha well said man… women nowadays can be so naive with the feminism stuff…
You Sir, are a Hayseed.
How about you read the real story on Tyler Durden. Kendra was behind making and selling this sextape. She even created her own company and tried to sell it to Vivid last year.
She’s a whore and wants the limelight back, plain and simple.
True that lol she’s a marketing genius and now she has poor misunderstood feminists feeling so sorry for her
Thank you for writing this. I cried after I read it. You captured what I think a lot of us sense, or know intuitively, but haven’t quite been able to put into words. Just that sense of recognition, of knowing that you’re not alone in thinking that something is wrong with how things are, somehow makes it better.
A lot of morons will criticize, or miss the point, and I’m no more special than the next girl. But please know that your work has an impact, and you are appreciated.
This was uncomfortable to read because I’ve known far too many women who have been in these types of situations. “I don’t want to do this but oh, well. I might as well get it over with” or “he’s just going to get whiny and this isn’t that big of a deal, I guess.” It makes me think that women still have a ways to go as far as independence and equality.
You idiot. According to Perez Hilton she already collected $600K off this tape after her previous attempt to sell the tape involved starting a business around this. I suppose being a Playmate was her only chance in life too? Right. Her partner there in this tape was a real pushover, she didn’t want to fuck him, because hes gross. She didn’t enjoy it, he couldn’t even get it up for her. No wonder she acted this way in the video. I suppose he laced up those boots for her too.
Unfortunately, this experience was not enough to keep Kendra from making what is reported now to be 19 more sex tapes that will be released.
In the social media and internet age it is not wise to project one’s own experiences onto someone in the public eye.
Also I would never watch rap porn
Right…nothing says “I am a victim that wants no part of this video” like looking back at the camera while doing reverse cowgirl on some children of the corn looking dude.
At first I thought you were as pissed off as I was that there was no money shot.
see her hot sex tape
Kendra Wilkinson Sex Tape is out and spreading fast!!
get it here : http://celebrity-pirates.blogspot.com/
Kendra exposed sex tape is awesome! I found here:
Kendra Wilkinson Sex Tape video here:
enjoy! ONLY HERE!
Visit here— http://tinyurl.com/KendraExposedVideoFree —to watch Kendra Wilkinson Exposed Video Full version for free!
I would think the sex tape kings over at vivid celeb would have a good handle on what is happening.
Most of the links going around go to previews of the vid and stuff. You can truly watch it for without all kinds of issues here: http://bitchesofcraigslist.com. Its on the main page.
Not sure how long its going to be up as some of the other sites have been taken down
Brilliant commentary on this subject. Well done. This is a message that should be given to every young girl (in some appropriate form). Thank you.
I actually think the only hot thing was Kendra’s dance at the start of video, the rest wasnt worth watching.
she could have put some clothes on if she really didnt want it to happen
You’re totally missing the point. It’s that young women are coerced into something they are not comfortable with and are guilted into having sex because they feel like it’s their job. When it is NOT. It’s not her fault there is no national campaign on how to say “no” even after you’ve already agreed to something sexual. Which is totally normal and respectable. You’re disgusting.
Kendra Wilkinson Sex Tape video here:
Kendra Wilkinson Sex Tape video here:
watch her sex tape.. download it for free
watch & download kendra wilkinsons sex tape
i checked it here at kendrawilkinsonsextapevideo2.blogspot.com
So many spam links out there for this video its ridiculous lol..
finally found a REAL link for the sex tape http://tinyurl.com/kendraleaked
she looks sooo much hotter in the vid then she does now! only 18 with natural tits no implants yet…hot
Oh please. You act as if she’s a victim or something. Girls control their own vagina, not men. Vagina is sold, in every medium, from text to radio to video to the internet. Vagina is portrayed as if it is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and yet naive people like you still act shocked when men pursue it and get it. Can you hear me back there in the 1950s? She sold HERSELF as a sex symbol for this entire decade, and yet you still have the chutzpah to act as if this is some sort of proof that men are evil and sex obsessed. Grow up.
Oh yeah, and just how much is the pudgy, hairy, balding redhead getting in royalties? Not nearly as much as the $100Ks that Kendra is raking in from this. Yeah, she’s a victim alright. A victim all the way to the bank.
lol, I just re-read your little rant there. You want guys to “politely ask” for sex? What fucking world do you live in? “I say, if it wouldn’t be too much of a bother, might I please place my penis in your vagina?” Either you’re a fat girl who’s never gotten laid, or you’re an angry lesbian. Step back and try to be objective instead of spewing bile. People might take you seriously then, and stop posting porn links on your site.
It’s called consent. Look it up.
this post is GREAT. im a 20 year old girl and i know what you are trying to say all these other people are extremely ignorant. he is not a sexual predator or sex obsessed. but he is disrespecting her all throughout the video. shes shy, and wants to please her boyfriend with the tape. shes not doing any of those faces or dancing for millions of people to see, it was FOR HER BOYFRIEND. and she was STILL shy doing it for him. and YES she is a victim, this was a PRIVATE video, she sadly made the mistake of making it and not being in possession of it. but whats done is done, she is a victim and id rather be a victim with 680k then a victim with NOTHING. she did this when she was 18, she didnt know she was going to be famous, it just fucking happend and its sad. the video is not sexual pleasing in any way, the only interesting part is seeing her pre breast implants.
lol, who wrote this article? The 40 year old virgin? I taught puritans came to America so that they could get some hoochie…
direct download link: http://tinyurl.com/24vu4e3
I would have been more impressed with this article (as I agree with the sentiment) if you didn’t have the porn ads on the right hand side of this website, including for this sex tape. Nice to have such an opinion, while at the same time making money for it through ads and clicks. Then again, I guess you made a bunch just off everyone commenting too.
watch kendra sex tape
Post like this are why a decent guy can't get laid anymore. Because it is seen as “wrong” or disrespecting the women. I think you are over-analyzing. There are plenty of women that don't give in to situations like this. If she really didn't want it she could have simply said no and stuck to it. This is more of an issue of confidence in oneself, and assertiveness. It depends on the specific girl's personality.
I take back what I just said above, I just saw the tape and the guy is absolutely disgusting. I don't understand why she would subject herself to that. It is completely beyond me.
As piggish as he is, Kendra decided to engage in some ethical failings when she wanted to profit off the tape.
kendra wilkinson sex tape is out throughout the web!! and guess what? she is getting money for it)) Get the sex tape and Latest celebrity news at http://celebrity-pirates.blogspot.com/
go kendra! i luv u anyway
Likes this.
I found the tape to be very good and it is available at http://www.kendrasexvideo.net
I call BS on your whole article. There are plenty of girls who completely control the bedroom situation. Sure, some young women are naive and are taken advantage of by pressuring boyfriends, but what about the girls that KNOW the power they hold, and hold it over the head of their significant other? How many young girls use sex to lure in older guys with money? On top of that, the fact that she ended up posing naked for playboy completely disregards everything you just said.
i totally agree that it is disgusting that men basically throw tantrums if women dont give them what they wan. and whats sick is, if men dont get what they want they wouldn't think twice about going elsewhere. i love kendra. xx
still wanna watch it?
download the sex tape from here:
Shes a slut that “let” this tape get out. I never heard of her until this tape. Its amazing that washed up or unheard of stars sex tapes sem to surface and then they become famous. They are sluts and they know it
He was so gross! Thought it was almost a joke!!How a guy like that can pull Kendra is insane to me.Of course hes gonna show the world this.It's all he's got!GROSS!
As a nice guy that has been dissed by a few women for other guys that were complete jerks, I have very little sympathy for Kendra. At this point in time in her life I'm sure there were many nice guys in her general sphere of influence, but she didn't choose to go out with those guys. Instead she chose to go out with a complete jerk, and I object to you portraying her as a victim, because of the decisions that she made.
Honestly, if you're willingly going home with a guy that owns a water-bed with the “black panther blanket”, not only should you expect that to happen, but you deserve to have it happen. Sure the guy behaves like a trashy asshole mess, but that's because he IS a trashy asshole mess; a trashy asshole mess that she willingly, and consensually, had sex with. This is nobody's fault except her own. If you're so disgusted by it, don't watch it. I stopped watching because it wasn't interesting, humorous, or erotic in any way. I made my choice, you made yours, and she made hers. She wasn't forced to be there, she CHOSE to be there, THAT'S the point to remember.
Shes getting paid good money for it, i dont see any problems, check out the full official version by vivid here: http://www.kendra-wilkinson-full-sex-tape.com/
Issues of filming and unauthorized ejaculation aside, I like how the guy's REAL crime was not living up to everyone's phony, hypocritical, impossible-to-meet beauty standards. You wouldn't dare make the same remarks about the Kendra. The guy was not balding, nor was he pudgy. He merely lacked a six-pack and he wasn't muscular. As for his face, he looked alright for a ginger; no great beauty. Maybe she saw something on the inside; maybe he had money, who knows, who cares.
umm – i must say the tape is in high quality and really funny – well – she was only 18 y old) no one actually believed – but its kendra for sure! now she is even crying – gettin a good buck though!
sex tape source: http://bit.ly/bCvT6Z
p.s – who cares if its bad or wrong actually?? – not me – peace
I think the video being released was very disrespectful considering Kendra was so upset about it. I mean, come on, she is now married and had a little baby boy! Have some compassion i say. This is humiliating and i agree totally with the writer of this article- Kendra never seemed fully involved and happy about being video taped and everyone makes little mistakes or silly decisions when they are young- it's how we learn to grow up. People also need to remember that this was done when she was not famous, therefore, get over it, she was only 18. I love you Kendra, don't worry about all the mongrels that are taking the piss, coz there are more people out there that love you. Ness Xxx
By the inaccurate comments made by Beet, she evidently has not watched the video from start to finish and has some underlining self issues possibly. To try and have others think that Kendra is some sort of sex slave for the ginger man. The Ginger may have had to convince Kendra to take part in video taping their sexual escapades but throughout the video Kendra is controlling her partner to her own sexual gratification and to that I say good on her and good on him. Gratification needs to be shared as equally as possible.
this is nuts! the person who leeked this and the people that released it to the public should be ashamed! she just recently got married and had a baby! wow. she was young now what if her son were to happen to come across this one day! how disrespectful towards kendra! i only hope hank understands and takes what she is saying and feeling NOW to heart bc there is no difference between having sex with someone b4 they were togethermarried except it is now out there for the world to c. this is a prime example of the media ruining someones life! they probably had this for awhile and waited to leek it at the “right” time, just when her life is together and has a wonderful husband and an adorable baby boy. how f***ing rude! i just cant believe how this world is.
Fair play to the ginger, she is fit as fuck, but obviously not too bright as neither of them seem too concerned about having unprotected sex and as for all the people making out she's some kind of innocent victim… bullshit! that's life! you make choices and you deal with the consequences, end of discussion.
The real victim here is that ginger dude, the poor lad will probably never get a girl as hot as her ever again and he has to live with the humiliation that whilst she was with him he couldn't satisfy her properly, I swear down that video creased me up, I couldn't stop laughing at the end.
This Is My Opinion.Even Tho Everyone Has Their Own But I Feel Mine Is A Very Reasonable Opinion!
For One.This Video Could Have Been Published Many Years Ago Before The Marriage And Baby Hank.But How Awful For Someone To Wait Till She Gots A Good Path Going For Her In Life And Someone Only Try To Bring Her Down By This Nonsense!
Not Only That! But This Person Or Whoever Wants This Tape Out Is Just Disgusting In My Eyes! Alls Your Tryin To Do Is Break Her Down And Ruin Her.
So What Everyone Makes More Than One Mistake.Get The Hell Over It Its Called Life Duhh! Its Just You People Who Have No Life That Got To Sit Around Practically Monitoring Everything About A Celebrity!And Then Try To Post The Cruelest Things About The,. Get YOur Own Life! Stop Being A Lowlife Worthless Bastard.
;;;;Love Ya Kendra
Tabitha Lace!=)
this slut taken advantage of? – WTF kind of fema-natzi bi*ch are you? Are you Crazy? – She marketed the damm tape herself and everybody knows it
wow peoples comments here are so revealing. I think this post hits it right on the money. While I agree with the sentiment that consent is consent, and that she was an adult woman (if only just) making her own choices, as the writer here is saying we do live in a society where young women often feel no right to a voice in the bedroom and there will always be those individuals happy to prey on that. It’s not the collective fault of either men or women, but the fabric of our society that promotes cultural ideas of male entitlement to female bodies- often as a capitalist tool. My early sexual relationships with men were just like this- they took what they wanted and I allowed them to. Saying no to anything meant there was something wrong with me, in my mind and in theirs. And I felt it was all I had to offer them. The thought that I could have any control in the situation was not even in my mind. Of course, there are plenty of nice guys who DO ask politely, though other comments are mocking that idea.
uuh this video made me LAUGH MY FUCKING ASS OFF…shes so stupid the guy is so ugly and this sex just looks forced…she fakes it the whole time…damn…that sucks…she must be humiliated I would b with something this ridiculous!
I couldn’t agree more with this article – it is right on the money.
Although Kendra consented to having sex with this ugly, pathetic man (which he is, despite claims from equally unattractive men who comment on here that he “just doesn’t have a six-pack”), the issue lies in her requests for him to STOP filming, and the fact that he does not respect what she wanted.
She was uncomfortable. She wanted him to stop filming. And he didn’t! That is indicative of so many greater issues in our society, some of which have been brought to light in responses to this article, but many of which are so deeply entrenched in power relations that women themselves may not even be aware of them.
The fact is, sex – and everything associated with having sex willingly – should be completely consensual. In this case, it clearly wasn’t. The dude she’s having sex with had such little respect for Kendra that he failed to even listen to what she was saying, and in doing so, totally failed to respect her feelings.
This is not about being a “femi-natzi” (great spelling btw!), or any sort of feminist. It is about recognizing the fact that this man (who was more than lucky to have sex with Kendra) is a complete asshole who did nothing but disrespect her, her feelings, and her body, after she asked him to stop filming. What a great guy!
This article brings to light the extent to which girls in our society are socialized to be “nice” and are not taught how to say NO, especially when it comes to sex.
Futhermore, the responses to this article clearly indicate just how many men are taught that they actually have the right to treat women as nothing more than a vagina. There are far too many disrespectful men out there who see nothing wrong with this behaviour, and that is a HUGE problem.
There are too many men out there who only give a shit about their self-interests in bed and don’t even THINK about whether or not the woman is enjoying herself. Not only do these men suck in bed, but they don’t deserve to be having sex with ANYONE, let alone a hottie like Kendra.
The whole video sucked and she jumps off at the end leaving the pathetic idiot to try to “stop” cumming in his hand. Shitty video
to warnis, why does kendra have so much fun showing off her body then? i believe kendra saying stop is just her toying with the dudes head a little. there just fucking. kendra obviously has fun showing off her body on film, i just think its a little odd she does it here with such a goofy guy…my bet is on him having money and some sort of status
to add onto my above post, obviously the dude has money and status, she goes on to be a playmate and live with HUE Heffner. god damn, how was that not obvious
I thought the kendra sex tape was released a month ago
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I can’t help but agree with the writer here. Though I guess it all depends on how the video came to be released. If she allowed the tape to be distributed, then I don’t really have much sympathy for her. It’s a whole different story if the F@cker that made the thing just sold it without her consent.
My sympathies are with a lot of these girls that have their pics/tapes etc. plastered all over the net. Girls trusting their man and wanting to please them, then getting shamed in such an incredible public manner.
They should include a pic of all these fuckers faces in the dictionary under the definition for Asshole.
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I completely agree! I love Kendra and I felt very sorry for her whilst watching this! the guy is disgusting! and hes forcing her to be filmed and to “mess around” for the cameras! he has a small penis! and shes clearly not even enjoying herself!! her moans are clearly fake and while theyre having sex she keeps playing with herself which shows me she has to turn herself on as hes not doing it for her! when he comes and she jumps off its even sadder! this guuy obviously does not respect her in the slightest! if i was him i would be ashamed to show anyone the tape let alone the whole world! he is SCUM!!
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