Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Babies Do TMZ

Those little kids who reenact hilariously adult things are at it again and this time they’re taking on TMZ. The little boy playing Harvey Levin is holding his signature coffee mug, the kids obnoxiously laugh between lame jokes and the footage is all shot at knee-height. Pretty funny. One question though: Why do all of these kids have speech impediments? Is that a dick question to ask? I’m not trying to be rude, but it’s alarming to me that none of these kids can say a coherent sentence. Some of them aren’t even toddlers anymore.

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I think it’s cause they are reading and they aren’t comfortable doing that sort of thing. My guess anyway.

  • I actually think their talking skills are pretty good for that age. It’s quite unusual to find a six or seven year old talking coherently (except of course you’re their parent, ’cause parents always understand that child speak). And it’s not only nowadays, it’s always been that way. Plus, they are saying things that are unnatural to them. Ever seen kids using those words? Nothing wrong with them.

  • It’s very common for children, even those much older than those in this video, to have trouble pronouncing R’s and L’s. All these kids can speak way better than Molls can proofread.

  • My 7yr old sounds like Elmer Fudd when he speaks. “Wisten to me, Wisten, I haf someting to say!”. NO idea why he sounds that way. We imitate him all the time! But never to his face. He’s also been in speech for two year with minimal improvement. He also can’t say sh or st and his r’s sound just like his w’s.

    • I had speech therapy too, all through elementary school. Hardly any noticable improvement in 4 years, and then one day poof! I could say “sh” and “ch” and j’s. Shocked everyone.
      Who knows if the therapy honestly helped, or I just developed at my own pace.
      But I’ve heard it’s pretty rough for those that can’t pronounce r’s. :(
      Just thought I’d put that out there!

    • I’m Spanish, and I assume you’re from the States, so I think you probably know how a rough Spanish r sounds. My cousin couldn’t say that “r” for the love of his life until he was like, what? 11 or 12? And his dad is called Raúl. So that was fun. Now he can say it properly (he’s 16 now).

  • Am I the only old fashion one that is worried more about the content of the video and the fact that Grover is having to be bleeped out in a video with a bunch of kids than about the fact that some of the kids aren’t as easily understood as some people think they should be. The only thing my daughter knows of Grover is that he is the Monster at the end of the book!

  • Dear comment number 3: hahaha how the hell did you used to talk?! I worked at several nurseries and i can assure you kids as young as 4 can speak clearly and properly not just to their parents – in England anyway!
    I think its because these kids are from New York – they have the lazy twang to their accents.

  • funny i was just thinking the same about the kids speaking haha, i dont how why they speak like that every other kid i’ve known can properly speak since 5 o 6 years old, i mean they usually have some grammar mistakes or something but that’s just it