Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Miley Cyrus Is Toxic

A photo of Miley Cyrus at the Hannah Montana wrap party

Or her jewelry is, at least.

Walmart is pulling her jewelry line off the shelves after lab tests showed that the jewelry contains a high amount of cadmium, which is bad news (cadmium poisoning was on House, if that tells you anything).  It’s not lethal if it’s simply worn, but it will fuck your world up if you ingest it, and that’s what people are worried about.

Well, by “people,” I mean the Associated Press, who conducted the test.  Walmart and Miley knew about the cadmium months ago, but I guess they figured it wasn’t a problem because the jewelry line is marketed for adults, and adults aren’t the ones chewing on jewelry, kids are.  But of course there’s no way some little Hannah Montana fan with an oral fixation would purchase a necklace or anything, and it’s not like anyone’s ever seen a baby suck on Mom’s earrings.

Get it together, Walmart.  Start by not selling jewelry that can kill people.

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