Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Rebecca Gayheart Had a Baby and I Didn’t Even Know It

Evidently, Rebecca Gayheart grunted out her own little bundle of joy about three weeks ago and somehow, I missed this epic milestone in the former Noxema girl’s life.  Gah.  Gayheart gave birth to little Billie Beatrice (a name that I’m actually digging … you know, nothing like ‘Apple’ or ‘Television Remote’) on March 3rd and I missed it because I was on vacation. Never. Happen. Again.

Gayheart was spotted out earlier this week, similar to every other Hollywood staple, looking as if she hadn’t carried a baby in her nether regions for nine months.  In short, she looks fabulous.

Congratulations to Gayheart and husband Eric Dane and hopefully, this child’ll straighten out their crazy, drug-fueled ménage à trois-havin’ asses.

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • she’s the kind of person I don’t think should have kids.. you know, cause she killed one when she was in such a god damn hurry to go nowhere important when the cars ahead of her weren’t moving. just sayin’.

  • I know what you mean. Can you imagine the irony if someone else is in a hurry seven years from now? Lifetime movie for sure.

  • It is awesome! My friend Pual I met on –– just recommended it to me! I really like it!