Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Well What Did You Expect For a Freebie?

Lindsay Lohan

Remember how Lindsay was “hired” as a creative consultant at Ungaro?  And remember how the collection showed at Fashion Week and was pure, sequined, heart-shaped crap?  Um, LL did that for free.

Yeah, the details are out today and it turns out that the creative consultant gig was not a paid gig.  It’s funny to me that she was trashing Ungaro’s already tarnished image and wasn’t even being paid for it, save some free clothes.

Well, at least she has her music career to fall back on.  Oh, wait … she just got dropped from her record label.  Oh, dear.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Well they did get a lot of publicity from it. You know bad publicity is still publicity. Oh god I can’t write the word publicity again *shit*
    How will she afford her coke? Maybe she could have her dealer stage a break in and pay him in jewelry……oh, that’s been done. Never mind
    I keep thinking she has created a perfect storm for her “rock bottom” but it’s apparent that she is maybe half way there. I hope she screws up by the time her next court date comes in December. Maybe Papa Lohan can convince the judge to drug test her (cross your fingers).

  • I feel so sorry for her. She used to be such a pretty, talented girl and now she’s a total train wrack. Just watched Mean Girls the other day, a million years ago.

  • hmm, well that makes me like the world better, the fact that she wasn’t paid for it. And it’s kind of sweet that it implies that she was really passionate about doing it…hopefully it’s a lesson to celebrities that doing what the rest of us do (going to school to learn about art and design and actually making things) is quite helpful. If I were her I’d be hauling my “sense of entitlement” ass over to RCA or Central St. Martins or something to get a little cred.

  • “Well What Did You Expect For a Freebie?”

    That is what the Doctors say to all of her one night stands when they go to their office the next day screaming because they are pissing blood.