Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Changes in The House


If you don’t want to know what’s going to happen this season on House, don’t jump!

It looks like Dr. Allison Cameron is going to be on a permanent leave.  Jennifer Morrison is off the show as of mid-season.  I think they call that a “creative decision” that boils down to being canned.  It seems like Beet felt a little iffy about the premiere but now E! has the scoop on what will be happening this season on House (another one of those shows that I wish I watched).

Here’s what sources spill about Cameron’s departure: After Chase treads a thin moral line on a case involving an African dictator, he and Cameron both decide they should get out of Princeton while the getting’s good. They plan to quit the hospital together and go somewhere else where they can focus on their relationship and on each other.

And then House gets involved. Because House (Hugh Laurie) is the devil. (Argh!)

House, who loves nothing more than to pour poison in the ears of his friends, starts talking to Chase about Cameron. House suggests that Cameron forgiving Chase for his misdeeds with the dictator is out of character for her.

Shortly thereafter, Chase has an inexplicable change of heart and decides he wants to stay with House after all. Cameron is understandably upset.


According to insiders, this all goes down around episode eight.

If nothing else, this certainly casts a new light on what Jesse Spencer told us at the House premiere party in Hollywood last week: “I’ve got a lot of storylines coming my way. There’s a bit of dodgy doctoring going on. But dodgy doctoring is all we do on the show. Bend the rules a little bit—that’s what House does. If House was practicing medicine [in the real world] he’d have lost his license on day one.”

Long story short: Chase drank the boss’ Kool-Aid, Cameron didn’t and horrible, horrible House wins again.

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