Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I’m Going to Let You Guys Write This One

Thanks to Nicole & Molly for the heads up.

You know I love to express my opinion on almost everything, but I’m not touching this one with ten foot crucifix. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from growing up in the “buckle of the Bible belt” it’s that you don’t discuss your truest religious beliefs with anybody, except maybe your parents, your best friend, or the person who’s putting his dick in you. Otherwise, it’s better just to keep them to yourself. Sorry, but that’s the kind of fear and self-censorship that being raised in a lion’s den of prosthelytizing poobahs (like Kirk Cameron) engenders.

But you should feel free to pontificate, if you feel so inclined.

And Kirk Cameron might want to check his sources. There is a stone copy of the Ten Commandments proudly displayed in the courtyard of our county courthouse. I’ve also received several tiny green bibles from people giving them away on my school’s campus, so it’s not banned. I have a stockpile of the things in a drawer because, while I neither want nor need them, what the hell do you do with a Bible you don’t want? I can’t throw it away (because it’s the Bible), and Goodwill won’t take them.

50 CommentsLeave a comment

  • No offence to anyone out there, but this guy is talking some serious bullshit. Someone can be racist, homophobic, whatever bad things they may be – this doesn’t change the history of evolution. There is a reason more people believe this – because there is evidence and proof. Where is the evidence for religion? Now I’m not saying there isn’t a God, there is a whole array of things that people don’t know, high powers included. I just think that it is better to teach something that we know to be 100% true, than something that is based on faith.

  • I heard an interview on NPR with Blair Scott who is the Founder of the North Alabama Free Thought Association, and he was quoted saying that “14% of atheists in America believe in a god.” I have a hunch that the real number is actually higher, which means there are a bunch of people out there who are calling themselves Atheists, who are really not.

    Speaking from personal experience, I don’t know many actual Atheists. Most of my non-religious friends believe in some form of a god or don’t know if one exists. Of the people I know that are not religious, many if not all have some sort of religious background, whether it was from influence of their family, or in my situation, religious private school.

    • Conversely many religious people don’t believe in God. e.g. the Archbishop of Canterbury, who has stated that it’s not a pre-requisite to be a good Anglican.
      It may be that the reason you don’t know many ‘actual’ atheists is because you are American (are you?) and most Americans believe in God.
      Personally I don’t know many ‘actual’ religious people, because I avoid them because I find their beliefs strange, ignorant and frankly a little creepy.

    • It’s much easier to say that you are an atheist sometimes then trying to explain a theological belief.

      I tell people I’m an atheist all the time because I find it much easier than trying to explain how I think all religions are wrong, that our idea of some God-entity is warped, that God would care for us as we care for a spec of dust and that when a person dies there is nothing.

      So do I technically believe in a God? Yeah – but it’s a God that doesn’t care for us as we like to think it does and we don’t live in or out of it’s absence when we die.

    • Why?
      If people cannot learn about other’s belief systems, we would be completely arrogant to society. Religion is a big part of many people’s lives. I love to learn about my own religion as well as others. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that.

      Despite many beliefs, it IS possible to believe in science and religion. I do. I think this video is absolutely crazy, but I also think it’s sad that religion is not being taught in many schools anymore. The belief in a god figure brings comfort and peace to many people, and I don’t think it’s a bad thing.

      • check the constitution…i think there’s something in there about how religion should not interfere with government and public schools. yet my kids still have to recite one nation UNDER GOD. so fucked up.

      • It wouldn’t be a religious institution per se if it merely educated students about all different types of religions. Since I’m not Megan I don’t know for sure what she meant by her comment, but I think she thought it would be broadening the students’ horizon and giving them a more well-rounded education by teaching them about various religions, rather than endorsing one.

      • Thank you for understanding what I meant by my comment. I thought I was being clear, but I guess I wasn’t. So thanks for clearing it up! :)

  • Kirk Cameron scares me…and Einstein was an agnostic.

    “I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth. I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being.”
    – Albert Einstein, letter to Guy H. Raner Jr., Sept. 28, 1949, quoted by Michael R. Gilmore in Skeptic, Vol. 5, No. 2

    “Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true. The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression. Mistrust of every kind of authority grew out of this experience, a skeptical attitude toward the convictions that were alive in any specific social environment – an attitude that has never again left me, even though, later on, it has been tempered by a better insight into the causal connections.”

    – Albert Einstein, Autobiographical Notes, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp

  • I would love to see a video of my face as I watched this.
    But really? REALLY?
    And, I’m tired of anti-atheists putting Hitler on us. He was CATHOLIC.
    And was Kirk Cameron really saying that a person can be nothing but sinful unless he becomes Christian? This is a hateful, ignorant piece of work, at best.

  • Can’t watch the video at work, but I must admit that I have thrown out those little bibles that are handed out like popcorn. I felt bad for about five seconds.

    • lol

      the other day a couple of precious old women came to my door wanting to preach and talk and gave me a couple of FREE magazines that I didn’t have the heart to say no to (and I capitalize free because they reiterated it like I should’ve been so gosh darn grateful that these “kind” souls were giving me something I didn’t want in the first place without charging me for it). They’re still lying on the chair by the door because I don’t have the heart to throw them out.

      • Heh, you definitely have more heart than I do! The last time I was stopped by a religious group, I’m pretty sure they told the rest of their cronies to leave the crazy girl with the greyhound alone, lol! My biggest pet peeve is religious people pushing their beliefs on me, and when they try, look out ;)

  • I lasted about two minutes…

    When will assholes like him realize that one can have a faith, view all religions and beliefs (or lack thereof) as equal and legitimate, and have the ability to accept science and move away from myth? Oh wait…that requires too much thinking.

    (I’ll say it, and flame if you will. I consider myself sort of a postmodern person of faith. All are legitimate to me, and I believe that if one does what makes them happy, then at the end of the day, God/a natural force/whatever’s out there will be happy.

  • Ugh, I made it through about 1:05 of the vid. I’m so tired of Kirk and all the preaching. Watching the video gave me a horrible, sinking feeling like I was back in church again. Good thing that, unlike pastors during their sermons, YouTube videos have pause (and STOP) buttons!

    And schools should not be religious in the first place. They’re schools, not homes or places of worship.

  • My old friend and I have a term for a guy like this: ‘Waste of Ass’. KC was hot back in the day, but as soon as he opens his mouth, it’s all over. Some people need to learn their place in the history of life, and his place is in the ‘hasbeen’ category.

    Has anyone from ‘Growing Pains’ ever remarked that he was as much of a nutcase then as he is now?

  • So I am currently attending NYU, which I believe is one of the 50 top universities mentioned. I am taking a required general education course in which we are reading both the Bible and the Origin of Species. First of all, shut up Kirk Cameron, we are getting both sides. Second, the Old Testament and especially Genesis are insanely sexist….women are treated like utter crap. So, again, shut up Kirk Cameron.

  • Did he actually say that Darwin didn’t have enough proof for his thesis? Seriously? At least his theory had quite a lot of it.
    Kirk Cameron is quite dumb.

  • You can pray and have a bible in school if you choose to, you can’t however have the entire class pray together or have bible readings. Because, Kirk Cameron, not every person is a Christian. I am a protestant, but I think you’re being a little ridiculous here.

  • What annoys me is that when he talks about “both sides” he indicates CHRISTIANITY as the alternative to science, not religion in general. If you’re gonna preach to me about the bible, I better be hearing about every other religion also.

  • Just when you thought Tom Cruise was a nut…. along comes Kirk Cameron who makes Cruise look not so crazy after all.

    Sadly there are even cults/shams that based their double talk in Christianity… this looks like a prime example.

    With this charming tape of Kirk’s…. it makes those fabulous inspirational speeches Tom did for his cult… look kind of tame doesn’t it.

  • I consider Cameron’s approach deceptive at best and wholly unethical at worst. How would he react if someone distributed free Bible’s with a forward by a Darwinist to present a “balanced view” of Christianity? I assure you, he’d be a hypocrite who, by the way Kirk, Jesus despised more than anyone.

  • Ohhhhhhhhhh man. I have no words. That was comical. Okay, so I have those words.

    I promise you, Kirk. Jesus thinks you’re a giant douche.

  • i wonder if he has actually read the origin of species, i am a biology student at imperial in london and this is serious bs. ok, i haven’t read the bible but when you are trying to make, what he probably thinks is a very poetic stand about the evolution vs creationism arguement surely he should make sure he knows both sides of the argument which he clearly doesnt when he states that there isn’t evidence for the theory, his drawings, notes and raw data provide a wealth of evidence which has been built on ever since….we were fortunate enough to have his great grand son come in and give us a lecture and he brought darwin’s actual sketches from his notebook, which gave a facinating insite into how he put all this evidence together. people need to stop forcing their beleifs on others. does he really think a biology student, for instance, is going to look at his argument and think, man, well everything i’ve studied, which comes with far more evidence is wrong! he says we’re being brainwashed! that whole clip was disturbing.

  • though I fully believe that freedom of speech defends both christians and scientist and, for that matter, porn moguls and hippies, etc.. I don’t think that it’s “balanced” to counter scientific fact with propaganda. and there is a big difference between exposing religious propaganda and “censorship”. just like there is a big difference between an ATHEIST and AGNOSTIC *sigh

    does anyone ever wonder why the most intelligent people with access to the most information and education tend to be non-religious?

  • i’m irritated that this was posted here. evilbeet debates whether one can see a woman’s genitals in an “upskirt” shot, debates whether halle berry is pregnant or not, debates whether tila tequila is just a skank or a liar and a skank, etc. evilbeet does not and should not, imho, debate the existence of God.

    • Evil beet writes about CELEBRITIES. That includes has-beens like Kirk Cameron. I think its refreshing for everyone to debate about religion instead of the same old egotistical bs. if it offends you then too bad. its one of the only posts this weekend where no one has actually complained about Kelly posting it. so STFU

      • LMFAO scoob!

        And joan, I don’t see why religion should be off-limits. I personally found this post one of the most interesting ones.

  • As an athiest…a person that finds the belief in God comical…I think its child abuse to misinform children. Also…I don’t need to prove that God exists…believers do. When we die, our bodies decompose into the Earth and through pictures and memories our existance can be remembered. Aside from that its absolutely ridiculous to think otherwise…an old dude in a long white beard is waiting at the pearly gates to see if we’ve been naughty or nice and…bla bla bla…Heaven and Hell was a story created to scare people into behaving nicely yet religion was and is the cause and creator of the majority of death and destruction in this world.
    Hey believers…grow a brain!