Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lady Gaga is Shy All Of a Sudden?


Even though she murdered herself on stage the other night at the VMAs and then later dressed like the abominable snowman, Lady Gaga has now decided that she’s not going to answer certain questions in interviews. What kind of questions? Well, mainly those about her weenis. You know, her weenis. The one that we’ve all seen all over the Internets.

Apparently now she so can’t be bothered to answer questions about the subject of whether or not she’s a hermie that she had a German reporter booted from a recent press conference for daring to get to the bottom of things. Collien Fernandes from the Viva, which I guess is some popular German-based network, was the one who asked the question we were all wondering by saying to the diva, “I love your Marc Jacobs outfit, you look great. I do have one question for you though – have you got a penis or not?” I mean, that’s not that bad, right? At least he softened the blow with a compliment.

GaGa immediately had the reporter removed, and when speaking to the cameras later he said “I don’t really understand the fuss. It’s obvious someone would ask her this question after the picture was all over the news,” and I couldn’t agree more that the question was not only completely in-line, but it’s what everyone wants to know. Perhaps Gaga wants to leave this mystery just that for as long as possible in order to keep her name in the papers?

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  • She already addressed the question in a previous interview; she probably wanted to nip this in the bud before having people ask her if she’s a dude every time she has an interview. Seriously, she doesn’t need the hermie thing to keep her famous, and it’s really nobody’s business anyways. Besides, there are so many more interesting things about Lady Gaga than wether or not she’s a hermaphrodite.

    • Jup. Es correct. She’s a woman (a very scary woman, who would do german “The simple life”-rip-offs and stuff like that) and Viva is a channel belonging to Viacom (very crappy channel though… very crappy more-commercials-than-video-and-if-video-then-tokio hotel-deutschland-sucht-den-superstar-Scooter-kind-of-channel)… yeah, thats Germany. Whoohoo.

  • I agree. She’s like Kanye West in a way because she constantly needs to be in the public eye, and she makes crappy music.

  • After watching the MTV awards last weekend. I am going to have to say, in my bias opinion, she is all girl.

    She walked up on stage in nothing but a piece of see-thru red lace with pasties and very small red panties on… to accept her award. That left nothing to the imagination.

    Then she pranced out on stage in those super tiny, very thin, white panties with her full camel toe in plain sight… to perform. That really should have clear up any questions about her anatomy.

    I am beginning to wonder if she intentionally had that slippage-prank moment… to gain the media attention. But it turned on her… and she is trying desperately to stop it now.

    Sadly, now no one wants to talk about her unless it is about a penis in her panties.

    Maybe she should stop taking advice from Perez about how to stay in the media. And none of this would have happen.

  • She doesn’t have one. Back in her “innocent” NYU days, she hooked up with my friend in a club bathroom. No penis.

  • i admit it’s understandable that he asked the question given the circumstances, but i think it’s absolutely absurd and truly disrespectful to act affronted that lady gaga doesn’t want to discuss her genitals in interviews. do we really think a reporter wouldn’t be kicked out of a press conference for asking another female celeb to describe her vagina?? besides, if lady gaga identifies as a woman, then she’s a woman. end of story. and it’s nobody’s business but hers.