Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney and Lil Wayne: Together At Last

I’m always a mixture of nervous and excited when I see that two of my favorites have come together on a track. The excitement is for obvious reasons. The nervousness is in case the two somehow don’t deliver as a duo as well as they do when they’re on their own. And unfortunately, in this case, I’m afraid that neither Lil Wayne or Britney are up to my standards.

Let me give you some background: I have had a love/hate relationship with Miss Spears since her …Baby, One More Time days and Lil Wayne took me a moment longer to catch on to than I’m used to. I found his voice to be rather unpleasant the first dozen times I heard him. However, I have been extremely impressed by both of them the last couple of years, and have almost done a complete turn-around on Britney. Blackout and Circus are both great “getting ready in the mirror” records. But for some reason, when together on “Bad Girl”, neither of them really pull it off. The beat sounds generic, Britney’s voice sounds weaker than usual and during Lil Wayne’s parts I just kept thinking “We get it, Wayne. You’ve got a lot of money and you like bad girls.”

What do you think of this collaboration? Am I dogging on what you think could be one of the best tracks of the fall or do you agree that both artists fell a little short?

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Britney’s voice bugs me for some reason in this song…but Lil Wayne is the best! Hot Revolver is one of my all time favorite songs.

  • I am a huge lil wayne fan and I couldn’t even finish the song. The beat is terrible, along with the lyrics.

    Disappointing but I’m not really surprised. Probably cause I’m over britney.. She’s very sub-par as of late.

  • That’s not Brit’s voice. It sounds like her in some parts but its not.

    It’s a DEMO FOR Britney, but it’s not her. Get your facts straight.

    Fuck ya’ll haters, Brit forever <3

  • Rappers are so hilarious. All they do is rap about how much money they have, but seriously, how much money could Weezy really have? I guess that’s why 3 years after a rappers biggest album they are usually broke.

  • i like the beat, i could see myself blasting this in my car. i love brit but hate lil wayne so i’m kinda surprised. i’m putting this and his lady cop song on the “few songs by him i can tolerate” list.