Today's Evil Beet Gossip

LeAnn Rimes Questioned About Hit and Run?


So for some reason LeAnn Rimes can stay married to a gay man for eight years, but she can’t stay for eight minutes to exchange insurance information after a car accident. Maybe. Rimes was questioned yesterday by LAPD regarding her possible involvement in a hit in run accident, which is a misdemeanor if she is charged.

Although officers have admitted to questioning Rimes, they won’t speak to what they found our or any details of the accident, including level of damage and whether or not anyone was injured.

Can we really see LeAnn Rimes pulling away from a car crash? I can’t imagine she has much paparazzi following her, so she wouldn’t be pulling a Britney. I think it’s more likely that she was a witness or that the other driver let her go and then regretted it after realizing who she was than her smashing up a car and taking off. Although, that is kind of a fun mental image.

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