Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Daily Lohan


Lindsay took some time off from her endorsement work for the Kim Zolciak wig company to attend a screening of — can you believe how many screenings there are for this movie? — Inglourious Basterds.  Personally, I think she’s just willing to attend any event that’s paid for by Grey Goose Vodka.  

Beyond the really long poly-hair and the really short skirt, Linds continues to have issues with patchy tanner — If you are an ’80s kid you may remember the two-tone jeans that were light denim on the front of the legs and dark on the back?  LL’s legs are bringing that shit back. — and neon toenails.  I worry for this kid.  I worry.

As a more positive observation, I’m happy to report that her new lips are settling in nicely.

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Good lord…. I just watched Mean Girls the other night and I can’t believe this is what she turned into.

    She used to be gorgeous!

  • She’s still alive?

    Fuck, she looks awful. If I didn’t know any better I’d swear she was a worn out hooker in her mid-to-late 40’s.

    • i watched freaky friday and confessions of a teenage drama queen a while back and thought the same thing – back when she was eating and had her natural hair colour etc pp she was so gorgeous…

      now she looks like an anorexic girl of the playboy mansion…

  • i can’t believe she’s plumping her lips! although i wouldn’t use it on myself, i’m not against botox for other people. i’m just against the fact that she’s still under 25 and think she needs it! UGH. i’ve seen 19 year old girls who have hot bodies but ugly faces because they’ve used so much injection. sickening. and linds used to be such a pretty gal..

      • Wow I feel really dumb! I commented before I read the article! At least were on the same page, Wendie.

        Also, I real loved when Kim got in a fight with that other woman on the show and she went right for the wig