Today's Evil Beet Gossip

R.I.P. Les Paul

2005 Songwriters Hall of Fame

Les Paul, the pioneer of the electric guitar, died today at the age of 94 from complications related to pneumonia.

In addition to developing the first solid-body guitar, he also invented multi-track recording.  This allowed different musicians and artists to record their part of a song without being present at the same time.  Revolutionary, really.

Les Paul guitars are still one of the top sellers with an original 1952 model selling for as much as $250,000.  

Paul and his innovations helped shape the sound of music as we know it and hear it today.

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  • my boyfriend is a guitar maker, and he owns an original les paul guitar in mint condition. he has it insured and keeps it in storage because we consider it our retirement fund. in any case, a tip of the hat to mr. paul, a true musical pioneer.

  • Not only was Les Paul a revolutionary inventor that changed the sound of modern music, but he was also a gentleman. He will be missed.

    Thanks for posting this, Wendie.