Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Hang in There

Just Because - Cute Dog in a Toilet Paper Roll

It’s been a rough couple of weeks.

In my own little world, I’ve had migraines all week and spent over two hours yesterday waiting for a tow truck on the side of the interstate.

In a broader sense, people in Iran are dying in the streets while protesting for the right to have their votes counted, celebrities are dropping like flies in a little league baseball game, and the president of Honduras was overthrown yesterday while I was busy posting pictures of Katy Perry naked in a bathtub with a pizza.

A commenter on this site once said that he or she comes here to read about lighthearted celebrity gossip, not because they’re trying to ignore the problems of the world, but because sometimes you just need a break from worrying incessantly about the often fetid state of mankind. He or she called this site and its posts a “balm for the brain”– a place where you could go to read about something not-so-serious that would give you a chuckle, or maybe even give your spirits a nice little schadenfreudian kick in the pants; Because no matter how bad things might get, at least you are not Lindsay Lohan.

I feel like the wholesome, snarky peacefulness of our little world of celebrity fluff has been rocked in the past few weeks by so many deaths and the sad and serious consideration they must be given.

So, in the interest of everyone’s mental health, I offer up this extra post with videos of ridiculously cute animals doing ridiculously cute things– pikachu-looking bunny rabbit things gathering flowers, cats flushing toilets, a tiny cartoonish mouse with old man whiskers falling over while it washes its face, and a tiny little kitteh with floofy legs squeaking and just being generally adorable .

Watch them, and if you’ve still got something you need to get off your chest about recent events, feel free to vent in the comments; sometimes you just need someone to listen while you bitch.

I’d like to wish all of you health and happiness, and to implore you– in motivational office poster parlance– to “hang in there.” For those of us in the U.S., we’ve got a three day weekend coming up where we can get drunk by the pool and explode things to celebrate the wondrous birth of our great nation.

And all of us should take heart. We can’t possibly have any many more celebrity deaths or horrible news items on the way… right? We’ve met our quota.

Take care! I’ll see you in a few weekends!

24 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Sorry to hear about the migraines. Any chance you’re in an area with a lot of thunderstorms? I live in Florida and this is the worst time for me with migraines. It’s because of the pressure change when the storms roll in. I take 200mg of elavil to prevent migraines. It’s used for depression but one of the side effects is that it lessens migraines. It helps cut down how often I get them but I still get them too often as far as I’m concerened. I’ve have suffered with migraines since I was seven years old. My nine year old daughter started getting headaches when she was eight. They suck. Look into trying a preventitive medicine. It takes a while before you see a change but it will work. Good luck and be well.

    • I get those too. In my area of the world though, it happens in January when the barometer changes. Or, if you’re on the pill, those things cause major migraines.

  • OK, can we please stop “mourning” Michael Jackson? He was a child-molesting freak. The freakiness, appalling fashion sense and even drug abuse I can overlook; using kids for sexual gratification, not so much. I didn’t wish him dead, but at least he will never again molest another child.

    • Maybe you should get over it. We have heard a million comments like this in the last few days. Notice the world is still not going to stop presenting news stories about him. A huge celebrity died, one that was never CONVICTED

      • “Not convicted” means innocent in the eyes of the law, not in the eyes of people with morals or common sense. By the way, he was never acquitted, either, he simply bought off his accusers.

        Do you people really believe that catchy songs and cutting edge videos balance out child-molesting? Or do you really believe that he wasn’t doing anything wrong when he got kids drunk and took them into bed with them? Jeez. Anyone stupid or immoral enough to venerate this guy is TSTL.

      • calm it. MJ was one weird guy. whether or not he molested kids? i dunno. was he innapropriate? yeah. and this is based off his own words. these things would have been said if he was alive or dead. just because he’s now dead doesn’t mean he’s an untouchable saint. death is nothing to disrespect, but, surprisingly enough, free speech is still allowed.

      • JR cant you please get your facts straight before making comments. Please do not say Jackson was “never acquitted”. He was acquitted of all charges after trial in 2005. He did settle the first case out of court, however im not sure where you got that he was never aquitted at all.. you must not have much faith in our justice system.


    Now that that’s out of my system, I think the phrase “Because no matter how bad things might get, at least you are not Lindsay Lohan” should be printed on the side of every bottle of antidepressants, starting immediately.

  • hi there

    i am iranian and as you may know there is a lot going in my country right know; my people being killed and bitten by the government!
    every day for the past weeks ive been receiving bad news and watching horrible videos of my country; but i know there is a place where i can rest my mind for a while and God knows how much i need it

    thank you for that

  • So sorry for the migraines – they’re the worst. But I love that you can still bust out an SAT-worthy “schadenfreude” in such a state. You’re the best!

  • I have had two major back surgeries and the last couple of weeks have been hell for me. Today was the best I felt in a long time. I actually got to go for a long walk today, it felt so good, then I came home and read this article……smiled from ear to ear, thank you.

  • I hope I don’t offend someone, but is there anyone out there who actually gets genuinely upset about the death of a celebrity? (unless you happen to actually be a friend or family member of that person) I just can’t imagine shedding actual tears or giving much thought to the death of someone I don’t know personally. Sure, when I heard about Farrah or Michael dying I thought, “wow, too bad. that sucks.” but beyond that? I didn’t know these people. It’s not like they were unexpected deaths. Fawcett has been terminally ill for a long time, McMahon was in what, his upper 80s?, and Michael was, well, Michael Jackson. Did anyone really expect him to live to be an old man? He clearly wasn’t well. I just find it hard to believe that the deaths of any of these people would actually create any kind of sadness that would extend beyond 30 seconds or so.