Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jon Gosselin: Naked Finger

Jon Gosselin

Jon Gosselin

See what happens when a major superstar (or two!) dies?  The media is completely flooded with Michael Jackson “Could It Have Been Drugs?” stories, that little else gets reported.  This is what I’ve been reduced to — stalking the Gosselin’s mail.

So, the big story today is that Jon Gosselin got a package from Olive Kids (cuter, personalized things as seen before on J&K+8) delivered via UPS and he — gasp! — wasn’t wearing his wedding band.  I guess this means it’s officially over.  The alleged affairs, separate vacations, withering looks and general silence between Jon and Kate are one thing, but when the ring comes off?  It’s cooked.

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  • And I had actually thought to myself yesterday, “How long will the Gosselins stay off of gossip sites with two celebrity deaths in one day?”

    Apparently just about 24 hours, heh. And their story isn’t much happier.

    • My husband and I both don’t wear our rings. We’ll be married 12 years this Sunday. He lost his once, and I replaced it as a gift. So he feels like the new one isn’t ‘the same’. I can’t complain because I barely wear mine. I stopped a couple of kids ago when it didn’t fit (pregnancy bloat). I got used to not wearing it so now I usually don’t.

      This pic though, looks like JG was wearing it up until like, yesterday. Tan lines. I personally think this whole divorce thing is a sham and I don’t believe it until they are actually divorced. Bad publicity sells better than good.

  • I would have thought, having an affair, looking for apartments, moving out, and announcing a divorce would be enough grounds to remove a piece of jewelry.

  • Has anyone seen the TLC commercials for “Jon and Kate: The First 10 Years”? It’s a retrospective that actually has the gall to call their marriage the FIRST ten years and speculate about what this “family” will encounter in the future. Please.

  • I am not surprised he took his ring off he was hurt that Kate filed for divorce. He wanted to seperate not divorce. Kate is the one who wanted to get rid of Jon but issued a statement that something Jon did forced her to file (blame game) she can never take responsiblity for her actions. I don’t know many men who would stay around with the way she treated him. I wish Jon the best of luck and do hope they stop the show and allow the kids privacy and to not live in a bubble anymore. Jon has every right to get ears pierced, wear what ever clothes, find a new place to live and take his ring off since his wife filed for divorce. I love this site glad I found it keep up your good work!

  • Jon is acting like a rebellious teenager. He hates Kate? For what? Pleeeze…He is simply deflecting his anger and low self esteem to Kate. How could you look yourself in the mirror if you were truely honest and said you resented your life with your kids, that you were not man enough to handle the responsibility, and you couldn’t grow up enough to work it out in your marriage? He has to blame her, kate pushed me around whaaa, whaaa…I’m finally standing up for myself….whaaa whaaa….I won’t talk to her, whaaa, bleh.bleh!
    So blame Kate, get a girlfriend, pierce your ears, get all excited about YOUR new life, I hope for his sake he never grows up, because if he ever does really look at himself in the mirror he will realize what a sorry cowardly mistake he is making. Be a man, work it out, talk to your wife …cuttin’ and runnin’ is not standing up to anything, not standing up on your own two feet…it’s just running.

  • Kate is impossible.. the rude bully wife and strict, cold as ice stage mother. I don’t blame him a bit.

  • You have to laugh at the group of women who try to defend the harpy that Jon was married to for ten horrible years. Ego-crushing bitches must see her as some kind of hero. Sad for the kids but the only surprise in Jon’s recent actions is that it took him so long to get away from Kate. The little boys are in even worse trouble than the girls since Kate clearly hates men, has had tons of negative things to say about the boys for the last couple seasons, and will certainly take out her anger with Jon on the boys.

  • Gross. This guy is so ugly, and it looks like he’s getting fat now too. I’ve never seen the show, but in pictures and clips I always thought he looked like he has Down Syndrome. And his wife, yuck. That haircut she has makes her look like a rooster. It’s like if you went to the salon and said to the stylist, “Give me the ugliest hair cut you can possibly imagine”. These people have few or no talent or redeeming qualities. Why are people interested in their lives? Oh, they have six kids. Sextuplets. Wow. Fascinating. Sorry, I just don’t get it. What is entertaining about seeing kids’ being taken to the doctor or to funland?

  • Jon is a dope. It doesn’t matter how cruel his wife is to him, he is acting like a child who has no responsibilities. He can’t see past his new shiny earrings to realize the damage he is doing to his children by deserting them for a WHORE! He looks like a middle-aged idiot who is trying to go back to high school. “Get over yourself, Jon, and don’t throw your children away for the sake of a slutbucket!”

  • I love you sweetie!

    Stalking Gosselin mail, to keep us Gosselin watchers pacified. Love ya!!! Were the Olive kids clothing freebies? Why isn’t Kate buying the children the Wal Mart Health Tex brand that she helped design??At least the little ones can roll in the grass, and get grass stains wearing Wal Mart outfits.

    And for the Cake Boss episode, they could not eat the frosting. Or play in the frosting, in fear of staining the clothes. Also at the crayola factory. They were not allowed to color.Let the kids be kids.

    Poor Mady. The Gosselin Twin books to be published in 20 years are going to be pretty sad. And the Dionne Quintuplets will seem well adjusted, compared to the Gosselin sextuplets.

    Very, vary sad.