Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Spears Goes Shopping, Looks Good, Has Stupid Boots

Britney Spears

Britney Spears went shopping in Beverly Hills today.  Um, isn’t it summertime in California?  It isn’t in Massachusetts but I’m pretty sure it’s not snowing on the west coast, so please help me to understand why she’s wearing winter boots.  Is this some sort of updated Ugg (I like to call them Ughs) thing?

Anyway, Brit looks great.  In shape, very blonde, very tan.  Have you ever noticed that if you look close enough you can find a mark or stain in almost every candid, on-the street picture of Brit?  Stains and tacky manicures — they’re her trademarks.

14 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Actually Uggs advertise as being effective at keeping your feet cool in the summer and your feet warm in the winter, because the sheepskin is a natural breathable material. I think they need to put in the label too that they are not to be paired with cutoff daisy dukes or mini skirts.

  • I really don’t get what’s so freaking attractive about having a tan. Too much sun just leads to skin cancer dosen’t it? And that’s SO hot.

    Maybe it’s just because I am pale, but I like it. If your pale, your pale, go with it.

    *Random rant*
    And I share in your hatred of those boots.

  • glad you noted the tacky manicure. them’s some butt ugly talons!

    stoopid fake nails. how very “french” of mademoiselle spears.

  • How could it not be summer in Massachusetts? Season’s don’t differ on the coasts… the weather might, but not the season. And anyway, my ex lives in Boston and he says it’s hot.

  • Why do young girls/women carry purses and still feel the need to carry the cell phone in the hand? Is it THAT important?

  • britney looks so ugly!!!
    and way too skinny!!!
    nobody thinks of her the same since her drug
    or alcohol related haircut.
    another thing is why do girls
    (im a girl, but i don’t do this) carry huge purses and still feel the need to carry the cell phone in the hand?
    that is the stupidest thing ever….
    the uggs are not necessary….
    I think they need to put in the label too that they are not to be paired with cutoff daisy dukes or mini skirts.
    she is wearing the ugliest glasses ever. i love big glasses and all, but these ones are terrible.horrific.almost annoying…..

  • annoyed and very very much at that my friend……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….