Today's Evil Beet Gossip



“I am crazy about children … I am an adoptive mother … I’ve already had this experience for two years,”

Gisele Bundchen, on a Brazilian television show talking about how prepared she is for motherhood.  Oh.  My.  God.  Can someone please explain to Gisele that she’s married to a guy who has a kid with another woman.  She’s not his (John Edward Thomas’) mother, she’s not his adoptive mother unless some legal transaction has occurred that we don’t know about.  She is a stepmother.

I’m a firm believer in “It takes a village,” but to call yourself the adoptive or biological mother of another woman’s child — a woman who is active in the raising of that child — is beyond disrespectful.

35 CommentsLeave a comment

  • If she thinks what she’s been doing with Bridget Moynahan’s son is the same as actually having a baby she is in for a rude awakening.
    I can’t wait!

  • I love that she promptly got pregnant within months of marrying that tool.

    I also tend to think Gisele did not intend to state she was the adoptive Mother in the sense that she has legal custody of him. But at least she seems to be really good to the boy and likes to have him around.

    Didn’t Gisele have baby John with them in Brazil when they got married? I suspect his father would not have seen him this much, had Gisele not been around. Now lets hope she has a girl…

  • Oh my God, I’m wearing that exact same dress right now!!!!! I was told it was one of a kind. Someone’s getting cut over this.

  • oh. my. god. so many people have commented on this but once. again. this. is. really. annoying.

  • I live in Brazil and i saw her interview. She didn’t say that.

    She said that she loves children and that she loves to spend some time with Tom’s son and that when she is with him (the baby), she does everything thinking about the kid. Who wrote that didn’t see the show or does not speak Portuguese.

  • If anyone has seen an interview of Gisele Bundchen, you realize that Tom Brady did not marry her for her brain. She is not the brightest color in the crayon box, but when you look like that you don’t have to be……

  • i think it’s a case of “lost in translation”. either her words aren’t being translated to English properly or, when speaking English, she is choosing the wrong words to express her meaning.

    • I dont think its grudge at all… More a thing of knowing your place in life, a child who as his parents doesnt need his dad new girlfriend to parade around thinking she own him as her own.

  • OMG get over it! she has terrible english (bless her) AND she’s really just trying to express to the media that she sincerely and affectionately cares about tom brady’s son. would you rather her say that no child exists? would you rather her NOT acknowledge his son?god damn, at least she has good intentions for the kid and that’s all that matters.

    • She has terrible portuguese either. She can’t complete an entire quote decently, she gets lost and puts some english words on it.
      Btw, my english is BAD too, but i’m not famous as Gisele, no need to speak perfectly english, thanks god.

  • I don’t put much stock in anything that comes out of the mouth of a woman who pushes her boobs together for a living (this includes you, Megan Fox). Only months ago, she was referring to JET as “it.” I think she has a Portugese to English app on her iPhone or something, but she can’t-a read-uh dee English a-too goo.

  • totally right!

    I agree with you beet, and you are one of the few who dares to slam supermodel giselle

    • You need to venture out into the internet more often if you think WENDIE is the only person who slams this horsey.

      Also that is WENDIE who writes this SHIT. Beet is off on another site pretending to be a feminist. lol

      All feminist do botox right?

      • No feminists get botox. They also don’t wear make up. Or get their hair done. Or wear contacts instead of glasses.
        They also don’t shave their armpits or get pedicures.

        In fact, it’s completely impossible to think that women are equal to men and care about the way you look.
        See, women’s brains are so tiny there isn’t room in there for complex thoughts and emotions AND caring about your appearance.
        Obviously I’m not a feminist. You can’t tell, but I’m wearing lipstick AND perfume right now.

  • Ok, my partner has a 1 year old boy with an friend of his (happened before we got together, she didn’t tell him till she was 7 months pregnant and by then we had already been dating for a while) and I have to say that I treat him like he is my own son. If strangers ask us about him assuming he is my son we don’t bother to correct them. When we have him we treat him like he is ours. I am sure that his bio Mum does the same thing with her boyfriend.

    I guess if we were all famous I’d be more careful about how I say things like that but I think the important thing is that our kid has two sets of parents who love him like nothing else and treat him like their own kid.

    So when you say this kind of thing about Giselle I kinda think hey, isn’t it far better that she is like this and not some evil bitch step mother who palms the kid off to the nanny or who doesn’t give a shit because he isn’t “hers”?

    • Ofc its best that she loves him but she will never ever be his mother. I know a girl who has a blog and she goes on and on about how great her new boyfriend is as a father to her son… Im sure the sons real father reads the blog and my heart hurts for him.. It must feel awful to read about the new dad and how great he is.. Its just one of those things you shouldnt do.

      • Thanks CazMinx for showing that in the real world there is intrinsically wrong with how Giselle is acting. However, she’s a celeb and there are tons of jealous, bitter people out there who are desperate to find a reason to hate her. They just need to get over it. OMG how dare Giselle love her stepson too much?! Gasp!

      • I see where you are coming from but I don’t think that Gisele has ever claimed to be his actual mother. It’s not like she goes around saying “this child is mine I am his mother” I doubt she claims to be a better mother or more of a mother than Bridgit.

        Bayley’s (my stepson) mum has a boyfriend and I asked my partner once how he feels about it when he sees him playing with Bayley and getting on so well with him does it hurt? His exact response was “no not at all because I am just happy that he treats him like his own, I can trust he is in good hands when they are together I think its great”

        I always back off when Bayleys Mum is around. I know my place. She is his real Mum I am his stepmum. I still love him like he is my own kid and when she isn’t around I treat him like he is my own kid. I’m the Mum when we have him just like her boyfriend is the dad when they have him.

        I applaud Gisele for loving this kid. It is not easy to be a step parent and everyone always expects the worse from you. The evil step mother. I am sure Bridgit might get pissed off and upset sometimes but I bet she’s happy that her son goes to a loving household when he is with his Dad.


  • Hi, i saw the interview she gave to a brazilian TV show and she said “stepmother”, and not “adoptive”. I remember that clearly because she said “stepmother” in english (and the interview was in portuguese). So the interviewer had to explain to the public what “stepmother” meant.

    • Exactly. I watched that too. She said “stepmom” in english and because the portuguese translation didn’t occur to her right away the interviewer (a moron) said “oh you’re an adoptive mother” in portuguese and she didn’t notice the poor translation the guy had done.

  • I agree with Beet too, but think Gisele shouldn’t even be called “stepmom”. The word “mom” should appear nowhere in her title. She continues to be disrepectful about her role in another woman’s child’s life and seems to need a constant reminder what that role is. She is John Edward Thomas’ father’s wife–not his mother.

    I hope they’re teaching the kid to refer to her as “Gisele” and “my father’s wife” as he grows up. Any reference to her as “mom” could fuel her apparent “Hand that Rocks the Cradle” syndrome and John Edward Thomas may find himself a citizen of Brazil wondering why he has to hide from that American lady, Miss Moynihan.

  • SHE LOOKS LIKE A MAN with BREASTS. HORSE FACE. BRADY hAS DOWNs syndrome. both are FUGLY. baby will be hideous. she needs to shut her trap, shes just a dumb model like all of them.

    • Wow. That sounded so horribly unintelligent. I don’t know if “dinky” is male or female, but I’m sure you’re probably not as attractive as Gisele. I’ll admit it: I’m not. I love how people bash other beautiful women as “ugly” etc when most have no place to say anything of the sort.

  • People, people, people….please stop defending the beautiful but annoying Gisele. She may not have used the word adoptive in the interview, but in Vanity Fair – she said essentially the same thing. She said that she feels as though the child is 100% hers “right from the beginning”. Nice. really nice. The boys ACTUAL mother, Bridget – has shown incredible grace by not responding at all. And let’s remember – Vanity Fair is a written interview – with editors and researchers – so I doubt we can claim ‘lost in translation’ – she speaks 4 or 5 languages.

  • Here is the interview with the correct translation.
    Damn you Americans are hypocritical idiot and stupid. You probably prefer that Gisele were a bad when treat the child and ignore him . You have an ugly habit of criticizing people who are good and not bad to anyone. That most of u are unhapy people and always want unhappiness for other people that you do not know. No wonder the rest of the WORLD HATE U PEOPLE SO MUCH I’M BECOME 1
    GhostGirl @ 06/26/2009 at 4:43 am
    Z: Zeca Camargo interviewer
    G: Gisele
    Z- There is a gossip flying around saying that you’re pregnant. Are you pregnant?
    G- Gossip is poison. Did you know that?
    Z- Now are you married.
    G- I’ve found the right person for me, my partner and my mate.
    Z- After two years of dating.
    G- One year and a half before the wedding I already knew I’d end up marrying him, we already knew the marriage was in our way.
    Z- How? Why?
    G- We feel it was the right thing, we talked about it.
    Z- So you decided to follow your heart?
    G- Yes. The heart always talks louder.
    Z- Imagine this, you’re at your home enjoying home’s life and then you have to work. You do it or will stay at home?
    G- Depends on the work. Years ago I did everything, I did go to work anytime and anywhere. Now I think twice sometimes many more before coming with a decision. Today I do what I really want. If I don’t like something, I stay at home.
    Z- So your husband wins?
    G- Yes, he wins.
    Z- The marriage changed you in more ways.
    G- I always think family is the most important thing always, even before the relationship. Now I’m building my own family. Before my family was my parents and my sisters, they still are tremendously important to me and they’re my life.
    Z- It was great you touched in the issue. Do you like children?
    G- I always loved children. Children are pure and sweet. You’ve to see my niece, she’s the princess of Bundchen’s castle.
    Z- Do you want to have children?
    G- I think things should happen naturally, there’s no hurry. The first big already thing happened, I’ve found my partner. Now I think is better we enjoy our lives, keep on discovering and learning more about each other. Life is rolling and we should just keep the rhythm, growing and developing.
    Z- We insist on the issue of maternity.
    G- I’m a stepmom. I think I have some experience on the issue, I got from these last two years.
    Z- And this experience is already preparing Gisele to be a mother someday. When you become a mother, you’ll think less about work
    G- I already do it. I don’t think about myself or anything less important when John is with me. I don’t work and I don’t answer phone calls. Nothing gets me.
    Z- You’ll be a overprotective mother?
    G- I only can pity my children. My poor child.

  • Don’t worry precious we’ll get around to bombing you soon enough. How much money does your country owe the US, that kept you fed and put shoes on your feet, your welcome. It’s called foreign aide dipshit. And if you are from where I think you are from you pretty much are supported by us. Get a job, or two. Translate that. We want our money back, bitch.

    As for Gis talking about another woman’s child, she should let it go, she’s a step mother and more than likely once she has kids of her own, Bridget’s kid will never get mentioned again. I think part of it is that the two women don’t like each other so she pokes at her in interviews, but I am glad she seems to enjoy the little boy, and is kind to him.