Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Someone Called Amy Winehouse A Reptile


Amy Winehouse is basically in St. Lucia almost all the time, save when her court dates require her to return to London.  Now, she wants to live there as a permanent resident.

If St Lucia’s former governor Jeff Fedee has his way, the residents of the Caribbean island will not roll out the welcome mat for the Rehab singer that’s in need of rehab.  Fedee wrote a letter to the St. Lucia Star in which he characterized Winehouse as a “tattooed reptile” who would bring “untold human suffering” to the island.  He continued on by stating, “I would strongly urge she be denied residency status to purchase property in St. Lucia. Is she being given special treatment? She’d be a menace and a dangerous influence to our society because the demons that inhabit her tortured body will have to be fed.”

When you are defined as a purveyor of “untold human suffering” is that considered rock bottom?

10 CommentsLeave a comment

    • I think this is an old picture because I don;t think that she’s worn her hair up in a beehive like that for awhile. Not sure tho!

  • That would be the bottom as I know it!! I have to agree with the first post, she does like much better.

  • LMAO!!! That’s how we do it down here in the Caribbean. hahahaha. We tell it straight! Lmao, he said DEMONS though! LMAO! “tortured body” rofl Oh My God, I can’t stop laughing.

  • That is because she crawled up his wall to the balcony and unfurled her tongue to snatch a juicy fly.. Zonk! Go figure he found offense from her bug hunt.

  • “the demons that inhabit her tortured body will have to be fed.”

    lololololololo CLASSIC. absolute class.

  • Other people’s judgments about an addict’s demon-content don’t count for “hitting rock bottom” evaluations.

    She has to come to this conclusion herself, at which point maybe she’ll take pity on the innocent children of St. Lucia, who actually push Amy’s demons to dangerous levels of “exhaustion” and “dehydration” that require trips to demon-treatment hospitals.

    Then she’ll move to someplace where the denizens eagerly offer themselves up as demon-fodder and her demons will get some proper nourishment for a change. These politicians are so jealous of demons with talent.