Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Your Daily Lohan


La Lohan’s in New York spending time with her family, and the whole crew headed into Manhattan to do some shopping for little Cody’s birthday. He’s the one wearing the sweatshirt that says “Lohan.” I assume it’s a team sweatershirt made for some sport that he plays, because otherwise it’s just a big ol’ paparazzi-attracting sign. Lindsay Twittered this adorable shot of Cody sleeping in the car as the fam drove into the city.


Oh, and she also thanked Elle magazine for their statement about how they don’t think she stole $400K worth of their jewelry.

(BTW, you can follow me on Twitter here.)

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Wasn’t there a magazine cover of Linds looking just like that in a gray sweatshirt about a year ago? Passed out in the front seat of a car?

  • The whole “btw, you can follow me on twitter” is very Perez. I dislike Perez for that very reason.

    I know that you’re doing everything you can to promote yourself as a brand, but it feels tacky and cheap when Perez does it, and even worse when yours is written almost identically. It’s your choice how you chose to shape your brand but you are smarter, witter and a much better writer than a “btw” comment. Especially when it pulls up connotations of Perez.

    Perhaps Twitter about the article you just posted and then link to your tweet? It’s a more sophisticated approach.