Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Since It’s Not Obviously Apparent, Dina Lohan Wants To Tell Everyone That She’s A Good Mother


Dina Lohan wants us to be nice to her for Mother’s Day.  I make no Promises.  Promises…get it?  The place where all Dina’s kids will eventually go to sober up.

America’s favorite Mom talked to People about the harsh and unearned criticism she is confronted with.  “We just wish people would leave us alone-at least for Mother’s Day!”  Yes, Dina.  I’m so sure you wish to be left alone.  And what better way to be left alone than to attend every high profile Hollywood event that you can get yourself into?

Despite reports that Lohan tries to get her fifteen-year-old into clubs, she also is making sure little Ali is getting an education.  Ali is in a home-schooling program.  She has never been pulled out of school.  It’s the same home-schooling program that Lindsay was in since the tenth grade. It’s a wonderful program that many celebrities are enrolled in.”  Wait-a home-schooling program that Lindsay participated in?  I wonder what type of grades Ali will pull in Joint Rolling 102 and Introduction to Cocaine.

Other than that, Ali is recording an album and working on a clothing line-perhaps a compliment to Lindsay’s leggings.  Personally, I wish they’d all just get started on their handbag lines and Lifetime movie careers.

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • i hope lindsay & ali get together and get dina the mother’s day gift she deserves: a flaming bag of dog poo left on her porch. they can repeat it for father’s day.

  • The Princess Diana syndrome at work – leave me alone while I’m out in public soaking up the attention ! Good point you made.

    Notice how Caroline Kennedy never gets hassled – because she actually values her privacy and does the things to make sure she has it.

    Mom is messed up – and has messed up/is messing up her kids too. Shame.

  • I make no Promises. Promises…get it?


    oh, wendie.


  • Really, Dina?? REALLY?!!! I’ve seen some of Lindsay’s blog posts and girl can’t spell. She has the WORST writing skills I’ve ever seen! Run-on sentences are more like run-on paragraphs. I know it’s just a blog, or a twitter post- but still! Anyway, my point is that Dina Lohan is a shitty parent who probably doesn’t learn from her mistakes as a mother. Ali is 15 and looks like a 29 year old stripper. Home schooling her just like Lindsay is a BAD FUCKING IDEA. UGH. Stupid lady.