Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Comes Out Of Her Shell

I promise you, that’s my only egg joke on this entire post.  Apparently, Lindsay went a little nuts last night pitching a fit and eggs over the fence of her house.  You can’t actually see that it’s Lohan hurling the little chicken abortions but aren’t we all in agreement that it’s totally her?  Doesn’t she know we’re in a recession?  Throwing perfectly good food at the heads of paparazzi just seems so irresponsible.  Couldn’t she throw some leggings instead?

Also, what kind of car is that parked outside her house and what the hell happened to the finish of it?

I knew all this crazy Lindsay stuff wasn’t going to be over with any time soon.  She’s eggceptionally insane.  Oops.

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