Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Much To My Dismay, It Was A Hoax


As much distaste as I may personally feel for Beyonce, and I feel a lot, fairness and truth must prevail.  So, in said fairness, I sadly report that this board mix recording of Beyonce performing on Today was apparently altered by someone who hates Beyonce as much as I do.

Beyonce has officially been cleared of all bad singing charges — the atrocious supposed “board mix” of her performance on “The Today Show” last year was altered after all.

Just as Mathew Knowles told us, the audio clip that many people believed was leaked from “Today” was indeed a fake.

In fact, TMZ found the person behind the prank who was surprised it went as far as it did, saying, “It’s a little bit crazy. No one in their right mind would sound like that, and no one would cheer for someone singing like that.”

Oh, those twits at TMZ seemed so confident in their source!  I trusted and now I must live with the devastation that she didn’t actually sound like she was stuck under the wheels of an SUV.

People, this is not the way to start my day.  Hold me.

18 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I still believe she cannot sing. That may not have been real audio but rest assured you aren’t the only one that knows the truth.

  • Wendie, I want another top ten reasons from you about why you love Beyonce. You did such a great job with Mischa.

    • I think we all just WANTED it to be real that badly :(

      I will go take solace in her ‘wide hips’ picture where she claims it was the dress that did it and they had to take it IN to fit her..riiiight. Note to Beyonce: embrace your curves, and avoid that dress!

  • Aw I’m so sad. I LOVED the board mix. We’ve been screeching if I were a BOOOYYYY since yesterday. Maybe the person who leaked it became really rich by now claiming it was a hoax. I want to believe it’s Beyonce, cause it made me smile.

  • THANKS Wendie!!!

    I thought I was alone in the world!
    I cant stand Beyonce or her ego!!

    must admit that she CAN sing though

  • I like Beyonce. Sometimes her outfits are a little trashy but so are alot of other young singers. She can sing a hell of a lot better than Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson and a host of others. She can also act.

    • Have you heard Britney’s unreleased, raw vocals? I think not. Oversinging does not make one a good vocalist.

      Shut up. Thank you.

  • thanks for your journalistic integrity, EB. i’m not a fan of this marshmallow voiced narcissistic egomaniac either, but fair’s fair. now, what say you about those wretched tv commercials where our miss beyonce is reclining on a sofa pushing a stylus around some idiotic handheld ms.pacman chorusline game thingie?

  • thanks for your journalistic integrity, EB. i’m not a fan of this marshmallow voiced megalomaniac either, but fair’s fair. now, what say you about those wretched tv commercials where our miss beyonce is reclining on a sofa pushing a stylus around some idiotic handheld ms.pacman chorusline game thingie?

  • I love her-She’s gorgeous, sexy and she can sing! As far as her acting and interviews-not so great.

  • I’ve actually been recently going back and re-listening to Beyonce’s songs and much of her music has a pro-strong women vibe to it.
    The lyrics to songs like Irreplaceable, Single Ladies, Independent Women, Bills Bills Bills etc, are about girls being strong and not taking bull shit. She’s no lyrical or musical genius (she might not even write all her songs but she does choose to sing them) but I think her music has a positive message which is more than I can say for artists like Lady Gaga and Britney Spears.
    Also her relationship with her family and husband, Jay-Z, are pretty admirable. She keeps her private life fairly private and carries herself with a lot of grace and dignity. I wasn’t a fan before but definitely have become one. Also this is from someone who has sung a capella and has a mother who is classically trained in voice, Beyonce can definitely sing.

  • DAMN….I’ve been laughing at that recording too! Made my whole day. I still like it though–hate the woman herself.