Today's Evil Beet Gossip

And This Is Why I Love Living In Boston


I don’t actually live in Boston, but it sounds tonier to say that I do.  I live in the suburbs where tumbleweeds and stray cows frequently pass by.  But on a good day, when the wind blows right, we do get Boston network television.  According to Boston NBC affiliate WHDH, we Massachusettsians will not be seeing Jay Leno this fall in his yet-to-be titled ten o’clock show.  WHDH-TV has been formulating a new news broadcast, slated to be aired in the ten o’clock slot.  Execs at the NBC mother ship have their peacock feathers in a serious ruffle over this.

WHDH’s move is a flagrant violation of the terms of their contract with NBC,” John Eck, NBC TV Network president, said in a statement. “If they persist, we will strip WHDH of its NBC affiliation. We have a number of other strong options in the Boston market, including using our existing broadcast license to launch an NBC-owned and operated station.

Listen, WHDH is eventually going to give in to the master.  But for today, may I revel in my fantasy of massive mandible-free programming?

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  • Kudos to WHDH for having the balls to at least attempt this. I honestly think it was kind of a dick move on the part of NBC to move Leno to 10pm in the first place.
    And there are plenty of other network affiliates nationwide, non-NBC, who actually do run local news programming during that time slot. This was an honest attempt, I’m sure, to gain some ratings during that period that they feel they would have otherwise lost to Leno’s flapping head.