Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Tom and Connor and Kill Me Now

tom cruise 160209

Hi guys.

I know this is unbelievable, but I am still sick. Wendie is too, and I love her for working this morning even though she is. I was starting to feel better on Sunday but today it somehow sucks again. This flu going around is unbelievable! My grandpa said he saw on the news that there has been an enormous up-tick in flu cases these past few days, and apparently I am the victim of one. I haven’t been this sick for this long in a few years. It is sooo crappy.

But here’s the point: I just woke up half an hour ago, and I’m totally going back to bed right now. I hate to do that because you guys know I love you and I want you to have gossip all day long, but I really just need to sleep now. I’m gonna try to post more later tonight, but the news is slow today so I don’t think you guys are missing out on anything.

Here’s Tom Cruise at the Daytona 500 yesterday with that child of his who’s not an adorable baby. I believe his name is Connor, and I think Tom is starting to do more events with him because he’s trying to launch a film career. Connor was in the Will Smith flick Seven Pounds.

Okay. Bed.

27 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Hope you feel better. Drink gatorade or powerade. If you drink straight water you can become dehydrated. Water can flush all the salt and stuff right out of you.

  • Im really not trying to be rude and maybe im the only one who feels this way but sometimes i feel like you exaggerate things. Especially since on your blog in the past few posts you say your feeling better or don’t mention your flu at all, and then you come on here and just complain.

    I mean it sounds like what i do when im trying to make an excuse, especially with the “my grandpa said ” and the flu spikes and everything, and slow news day. We dont need all that, it would be more believable and less annoying if you were to just say “Im still not feeling very good so im going to go sleep” instead of making it all dramatic.

    Heh uh just saying..

    • i agree with kisses. it appears beet’s always sick. maybe she’s been inhaling all the negative vibes she spews daily.

    • I agree. She seems like one of the most suseptible people ever! Especially for someone so young and without a serious disorder or disease. Yeah – just saying.It would really be more believable without all of the details. If she was really feeling THAT crappy she would not feel like adding all of the “color”.

    • I agree. Beet must have a very weak immune system. Especially for someone so young. I also agree about all of the excuses. For someone so sick she sure adds a lot of “color”.

    • Then go to a different gossip blog; there are plenty others out there, you’re not obligated to stay at this one & I’m sure we’ll fare out okay without you.

      • I think its stupid that people jump all over anyone who says anything except for positive things towards Beet. I come here because i like her writing, all i was saying was that she should consider cutting out the drama because it doesnt matter if we get a elaberate excuse or just a straight up “im not feeling well, post later”

  • That sounds awful – feel better, Beet! I think I remember reading that Tom didn’t attend Connor’s movie premiere because he was too busy pimping out his own film. Too funny. At least Connor probably has enough money for therapy!

  • Beet, hope you feel better soon!

    Now re: that picture of Tom and Connor – you didn’t mention the best part of it all. Keith Urban sang for the prerace concert at the Daytona 500! No word on if Nicole was there. Plus, Nicole and Tom have that whole Days of Thunder thing going on.

      • Hahaha I love you Beet! And I feel your pain, I had the flu for two weeks then I caught a cold and today I went to the ER and was diagnosed with bronchitis, so don’t treat that flu too lightly!

      • Wow. Awesome reply beet, how long did it take you to compose that witty gem? God how I wish I was as cool as you.
        Seriously though, that was probably a little harsh of me and I know you don’t feel good so………….sorry. Forgive? I’m neither a moron OR a douchebag.

      • Beet! I’m always sick too! I’ve been in different levels of sickness for almost a month now. Stress makes it worse and makes us more sick too! You tell those duchebags. If they don’t want to read your blog, they don’t have to!

  • Yay…yet another thing that Tom Cruise has ruined for me…. And I’m not gonna be a douche about it like the others, but it’s ok to say, “fuck it I’m not writing today cause I don’t wanna” instead of being sick all the time….not saying ur not sick…just saying…

  • The douche bags have to remember where Beet lives. She is close to the border of Canuckistan. I imagine someone living in Florida isn’t assaulted by the same amount of viruses that people do in a colder climate.

  • HAHAHAH tell ’em Beet!!

    by the way, Beet posted something that was SPORTS RELATED? Is the world ending? I LOVE when Sporty-things pop up on here!!

    Feel better!!! Drink plenty of fluids and make leo go refill your cup. ;)