Today's Evil Beet Gossip

White House Plans Concert to Honor Stevie Wonder


Obama and Co. are planning a big bash to give Stevie Wonder a Library of Congress award. Several of Stevie’s songs — including “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” and “Higher Ground” — were used during the Obama campaign.

Both the President and First Lady will be present for the February 25 concert, which will air the next day on PBS.

Good thing they’re not airing it live! You never know when Stevie Wonder might have a wardrobe malfunction!

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I love Stevie Wonder. He has created many beautiful, positive songs over the years and has been an excellent role model. He is a good man who has lived a good life in spite of the handicap of being blind. That is wonderful news. He deserves it.

  • Poor EB, your readers want you to feel better more than we want to read gossip. Please rest and hug on Leo and have a break. You need to feel better! And Soleil can catch up tomorrow!!

    Happy V-Day.

  • The “high” crackhead president just “signed, sealed, and delievered” the now USSA into trillion dollars of debt but will spend millions on a concert. Just goes to show obozo is the WORST PRESIDENT EVER and it’s only been a month. Jimmy Carter with a tan. God help us all.

    • What an idiot. This concert was planned before Obama was elected President. This concert is for the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize, the President and location were decided on after the fact. Learn your facts before spewing crap. This concert would be taking place if McCain was President too.

  • It is wonderful that Obama believes it is necessary to waste tax payers money on a needless concert for Stevie Wonder. He is a joke and a half. We are in a recession and he does this. So much for change.

  • I will gladly contribute the penny it will cost me in my taxes to honor Stevie Wonder in Washington, DC.


  • well I guess if we can send $900 million to rebuild Gaza a little concert won’t hurt. What are you people in Washington thinking?