Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Why Do Lawyers Fuck Everything Up?


Britney is set to kick off her Circus tour on March 3rd in her home state of Louisiana.  According to TMZ, Brit and K-Fed came up with a workable plan allowing their kids to be with her on tour.  Three residences were to be set up in New Jersey, New Orleans and Los Angeles, where the kids would stay.  In between shows, Spears would travel to the house to be with her boys.  In addition, she would pay K-Fed $4,000 a week and he would be set up with a separate residence in each location.

Now, I’m not sure why she’s paying him $4k, and I don’t really care.  This is an agreement they hashed out without lawyers and court motions.  It’s called co-parenting; it’s a good thing.  I guess K-Fed’s legal team isn’t too thrilled.  They feel that Brit’s dad, Jamie, went behind their backs to set this up.  Well, yes.  If you can formulate an arrangement that works for everyone and doesn’t cost $3k an hour to implement, well, that’s positive.  But retained legal counsel tend to not appreciate non-billable hour parental efforts.

Anyway, K-Fed’s lawyers object to the arrangement but won’t cite specifically what they object to.  Britney has said that she will cancel her tour if her kids cannot come with her.

K-Fed, call in your dogs.  This tour must happen.

18 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Kudos to her for putting her kids before her career. This is the Britney I know and love. K-Fed should tell his lawyers to shove it.

  • Obviously she has made a turn around if shes willing to give something like this up for her boys. Good choice, fuck the lawyers. I’d let them know that shes probably the one paying them anyway.

  • Good Lord! Hasn’t she been through enough! It is the parents’ responsibility to attend to the best interest of their children, NOT LAWYERS!
    Brit-Brit looks like a forty-two year soccer Mom. Heck yes, this is taking a toll on her. Watching Kevin’s current flame cuddle her children was rough on all of us to watch.

  • Britney CHOSE to bring this K-Fed character into her life and wouldn’t listen to anything her parents said to her so it’s kind of hard to pity her. When you marry a guy who abandons his pregnant GF to be with you and doesn’t have a source of income you’re kinda asking for a lifetime of troubles. I hope she learned a valuable lesson from all this. And who is going to pay big $$$ to see her fake sing? I don’t get that.

  • Sure let’s just assume lawyers are greedy. After all, they offer a course in how to fleece clients at every first-tier law school.

    K-Fed’s lawyers are trying to protect his interests and when your client goes behind your back and makes arrangements without your knowledge or advice, it makes it a bit hard to do your job of protecting those interests.

    People don’t always fully understand the legal ramifications of their actions–that’s why they hire lawyers. He should let them do their job. After all, it’s what he hired them to do. This so-called “plan”- is it in writing; what are the details; is there room for discretion on each side that can potentially be exercised to the detriment of either party? This arrangement may seem wonderful on the surface but if/when things go badly, how will it be enforced, how will it be interpreted?

    Maybe his lawyers are greedy but they could, and most likely do, have legitimate reasons for objecting to a plan they did not have a hand in formulating. Who knows how this plan could affect the arrangements they already have in place and the rights of all parties involved.

    Everyone wants to bash lawyers until they make some ill-advised, ill-informed decision or think their rights have been harmed. Then they want to call in the hounds.

    • Of course that makes sense and thanks for educating us, I would have been in the lawyer bashing camp.

      But I am curious, does this mean that Brit and KFed will always and ever have to have lawyers present when conversing on the topic of coparenting arrangements? Because that can’t be good. Put another way, what’s the ‘teach a man to fish’ ethic here?

      • Honestly, I do not think there is a concrete timetable for when lawyers will no longer have to be involved. I think it is always going to depend on the behavior of the parties and the complexity of the issues. I would hope that at some point, there would be a consistent pattern of stable behavior on both sides that there would be less need for lawyers to be involved. I do believe that a year is nowhere near long enough to decide that someone who was institutionalized is now behaving rationally. I also would say that the fact that one party is under a conservatorship would tend to lean towards having involvement of attorneys. In addition, these are arrangements involving minor children being taken across state lines to live temporarily in different locations. That is a very serious thing, in both the legal and practical sense. When thinking of the complexity of the legal issues not to mention travel arrangements, lodging, medical care, etc., I would say with that sort of ‘plan’, I would want to security of having had legal assistance in fashioning the agreement. Will they always have to keep the lawyers involved in their parenting decisions? I would hope not. That would be a nightmare. But for now, I think the situation still calls for it, especially in this instance in which you are dealing with such young children being moved across state lines.

    • oh come on. it’s like an extended vacation. it is not a big fucking deal. the lawyers just wanted to be paid. the parents worked together.

      the lawyers and Kevin should be stoked his lazy ass would get $4000/a fucking week to travel around and hang out with his kids. Jesus.

    • So in your opinion he will “need” legal representation every time he wants to discuss arrangements about the care of his children with their mother? Sorry, I just don’t buy it. Obviously you are either an attorney or a big fan on one and are biased.

  • oh yea, from tmz:

    UPDATE: 11:27 AM ET Mark Vincent Kaplan, K-Fed’s lawyer, says neither he nor Kevin want to interfere with Brit’s career. He says it could have been handled better if Jamie and company would have “manned up” and had Kevin got the benefit of his lawyers to protect his position. Kaplan says he’s going to present his own wording of the deal, but thinks they’ll work it out.

  • To me it seems like every time she gets into little dramas and sagas like this her music ratings go up. How does stuff like this possibly help her reputation?