Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Put Down Your Loaded Gun And Get Over Yourself


Here’s a message to all of you out there who suffer from depression or other mental illness:  Get over it!  Brain chemistry, genetics and environmental factors be damned!  Remember those months where life was so bleak that you couldn’t get out of bed?  Ice cream was your church and showers were an immeasurable burden?  You’re a pussy; got that?

Bijou Phillips has given us, the public, the straight-talk that we need.  Depression doesn’t exist people.  “My grandparents didn’t take any pills, and they were fine.  Just buck up and get over it. Stop being such a fucking pansy.”

It seems logical to me.  After all, if Bijou Phillips grandparents didn’t need anti-depressants, why should anyone else?

While I was researching Phillips to see if she does anything beyond being high in public and releasing total asshole statements (she doesn’t), I found an old interview with filmmaker, James Tarbock.  I think this sums it up:  “Bijou Phillips–you never knew what the fuck she would say or do next.  There is no line between her unconscious and her articulation of it and her behavior.  She is a genuine psychopath.”

Oh, Mr. Tarbock.  She’s not just a psychopath.  She’s a Scientologist.

55 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Check out who she was born to, her immediate divorced his yours and mine family.. man they got their share of drugs and then some, and ignored granny and peepaw’s ol fogey cheap high ways. And she has dabbled with the illegal stimulants as well but won’t admit it.. as her godfather was Andy Warhol and mom and dad must have indulged some party time with the old med master; and now is MORE Pure bred WHOLLY-SCIENTOLGIST than you are 4 ev-arrh, even if she had to go to rehab .. Emancipated from her parents at fourteen, Phillips lived on her own in New York City. That same year, Phillips attended the Sierra Tucson rehab center in Arizona—not because she was actually addicted to drugs, she claims, but to get out of trouble for running up a large credit card bill in her father’s name., uh huh!!!

  • Maybe my husband should be a Scientologist. He always tells me to just get up and exercise when I struggle with depression. Ahhh, I hadn’t thought of doing that! I really wanted to lay here in misery!

  • Wow, thanks, Bijou…all this time fighting depression, I’m extremely glad to hear it’s just that I’m a pussy!!!!

  • what she is suggesting, in a really stupid and pointless way, is that Americans are overmedicated. i would have to agree.

    • But she was way too hyperbolic about it! Just because too many people take medication doesn’t mean that it’s NEVER necessary.

      (Yes, I am on anxiety meds and thanks to them I can function and hold a job and all of that fun stuff.)

  • Whoa!!!!!! Raye! Yes Lolly, Americans are over medicated and Bijou Phillips is an over rated cult member.

  • I actually have had the same thoughts for a while. For depressed people that aren’t that way genetically, which is the majority of depressed people, the only real way to get over it is just.. get over it. Stop thinking about how depressed you are and fucking live your life.

    Maybe because after getting over a few years of depression, I realized how pointless and what a huge waste of time it was, and vowed never to let myself get majorly depressed again. Is my life any less shitty? No. But at least I’m not making myself sick over it.

    I wish people would just stop automatically hating on anything and everything associated with the word scientologist. Just because it’s a little odd in some aspects doesn’t mean there aren’t sensible arguments to be gotten from it either.

    side note: the dress really flatters her.

    • > stop automatically hating on anything and everything associated with the word scientologist. Just because it’s a little odd in some aspects

      Which part seems a “little” odd? The UFO part? The souls in the Volcano part? The aliens flying to earth in a ship that looks like DC8? Or perhaps the fact that Scientologists think they immune from colds and even cancer (even though you see them sick all the time).

      Perhaps the fact these loons pay a LOT of money to rise up in this cult invented by a bad Science Fiction writer.

      Perhaps you have a problem with how they are homophobic and think than homosexuality can be cured by Scientology (too bad all they did was drive L Ron Hubbard gay son to kill himself).

      You are a fool if you think this cult is harmless.

    • I think you’re confusing being kind of sad, “in a funk” with true clinical depression. True clinical depression you don’t just decide to get over. If you could, don’t you think most people would “choose” feeling happy and good over feeling despondent????

  • However true it may be that Americans are overmedicated, there are still people in the world who suffer from real depression and do need medications to help them. The idea that you can “just pull your self up by your bootstraps” is why there is still such a stigma against the mentally ill and people who really suffer are seen as “faking it” or “not trying hard enough.” Bijou Phillips may not need medications, but she should not tell others how they should deal with their psychological issues. It seems to me that she could benefit from drug treatment if not psychiatric treatment.

  • who gives a f*ck what some trust fund bizznitch says about psychiatry????

    she’s not s’posed to be an expert.

  • As much as I enjoy reading this website and hearing the opinions of others, I completely disagree. Mental illness is an extremely painful burden, and should not be disregarded. If you have ever been lucky enough to not be a victim of depression or worse, then you shouldn’t be belittling its severity. It truly is ignorant to judge something you have never experienced nor know anything about.

  • Ok. First, she may be crazy, and she may know nothing at all about REAL psychological disorders and their treatments…but whatever happened to freedom of speech?
    Don’t get me wrong, I do not at ALL agree with her statements, but, however wrong or stupid she may be… it doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a right to voice her opinion.

    Secondly, what happened to freedom of religion? If she is a Scientologist…then what-the-hell-ever. She can do what she wants. It’s her problem.

    I’m just saying.

    • true, but she’s not a doctor, and she shouldnt be dishing out advice to people about something she clearly knows nothing about… freedom of speech is all well and good, i just dont get why she thinks people will be intersted in or respond well to what she has to say. it’s kind of arrogant dont you think?

  • Wow, thanks, Bijou…all this time fighting depression, I’m extremely glad to hear it’s just that I’m a p*ssy!!!!

  • hey, wendie? thanks for posting this.

    i know it’s just something that’s going to piss a bunch of us off for a bunch of different reasons, but it does give me a chance to say this:

    i’ve been diagnosed as bipolar and have been treated by therapists, psychiatrists and other doctors since i was a teenager. the disease is real, what i go through is real – and the knowledge that such simplistic and mean-spirited attitudes as bijou phillips’ are out there is a huge part of what makes it so hard for those of us suffering from real mental illness to seek the treatment and support we need.

    in college, i had access to counseling and psychiatric services through my school, but in spite of my limited resources i chose to spend far more money and time than those services would have cost – i found private doctors to see me, desperately afraid of anyone connected with my university finding out about my illness and making any sort of record that could haunt me later.

    i will be the first to acknowledge, from personal experience, that mental illness is not an excuse for every behavior or every bad choice, and that too great a degree of self-indulgence on the part of a sufferer makes it harder to become healthy and functional. but it is for the experts and those intimately involved – the doctors, therapists, patients and families and friends of mentally ill people – to decide what treatments and attitudes are appropriate.

    ms. phillips’ statement has the potential to be both harmful to a cause and deeply hurtful to individuals whose understanding of the issues at hand almost certainly far surpasses her own (yet the attitude it reveals is far from unique). what’s more, her comments and the pain they cause were and are completely unnecessary.

    there certainly exist false diagnoses, overuse of medication, exploitation of real conditions to excuse bad behavior – but behind all of these phenomena, and far more important than any of them, is the pain, frustration, anger and confusion experienced every day by the innumerable people who, through no fault of their own, find their lives shaped by illnesses still not fully understood, but certainly very, very real.

    it is my hope that in the future we all might remember that people as real as we are affected by the words we choose, that we might learn to weigh the hurt caused by sharp words against our passing pleasure in saying them, and above all that we might find the courage and humility to see that other people’s understanding may outstrip our own.

    this is of course a gossip blog, and i’m sure that we who come here do so in search of lighter fare. even so, i’m thankful to anyone who’s read everything i had to say, and to wendie for the post that gave me the chance to say it.

    (oh, and wendie – your posts have been great lately. i’m finding your work more and more entertaining as time goes on, perhaps because i’m getting to know you better, at least as a writer. i admire your strength for putting up with all the snarky comments, and i just wanted to encourage you to keep up the good work :] )

    thanks to all.


    • “it is my hope that in the future we all might remember that people as real as we are affected by the words we choose, that we might learn to weigh the hurt caused by sharp words against our passing pleasure in saying them, and above all that we might find the courage and humility to see that other people’s understanding may outstrip our own.”

      that is incredibly well-put and reflects how i feel about a lot of different issues, including this one. thank you for sharing your experience so eloquently and helping people to understand that it is as real and valid as anyone else’s!

  • Bijou Phillips was my my pick for hottest Scientologist until Katie got corrupted.

    Bijou’s still up there for hotness and neck-and-neck with Tom Cruise for the craziness crown.

  • I struggled with depression for twenty years and had this statement thrown at me numerous times. I did get over it, with anti’s and a long bout of therapy. People who say asinine statements such as Bijou’s have obviously never felt the overwhelming despair that depression brings. So suck it Phillips.

  • so her grandparents didn’t take any pills, but the rest of her immediate family more than made up for them. this family bleeds drugs. STFU Bijou.

    God, that’s like me telling her, gee Bijou, why can’t your family stay clean? you guys don’t NEED REHAB. Yeah, just tell Mackenzie to “get over” all her addictions, which she has been so good at the last several decades.


  • meds are there to use if needed
    and some of us need them from time to time,
    they help but one must not forget
    behind depression there is a reason though,
    so one must fight the reason too;
    one way of doing it is by keeping busy
    even when one just wishes to stay in bed,
    see no one and do nothing at all.

    • Mamba, sometimes there is no reason except for a chemical imbalance, and it’s pretty hard to just fight it without medication. I was diagnosed with depression at the age of 13. Nothing seemed to work for me until I was 18 (I’m 21 now) and diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The strain and hurt put on me, my family, and friends in those five years was immense. I’m fine now, but there would never have been a way to overcome it without medication. The things you have mentioned are easier said than done, and you have obviously never suffered from clinical depression.

      • Dear Emily
        depression and bipolar disorder are two different entities with several different subcategories.
        I know what reactive depression is.
        When I was hypothyroid I also knew what organic depression is.
        Not bipolar though….never suffered from that, which is related to the genes.
        As you can read I believe meds should be used as needed, but one benefits from therapy, namely occupational.

  • She’s a fucking junkie and so is 80% of her family. The fact that she even has an opinion about this is laughable. She’s beem an addict for most of her life and really shouldn’t be throwing stones.

  • isn’t she dating danny masterson? (hyde, that 70s show)

    he seems waaay too cool for all that blubberin

    she is hot though, all that outfit’s missing is a muzzle

  • Wait does Wendie believe that people shoudnt take anti-depressants? Because unless you’ve been through it you really can’t judge! Or at least you SHOULDN’T judge! Depression isn’t a “oh I feel a bit down” kind of thing, its a black hole that just gets deeper and that you need help crawling out of!

  • michelle phillips was was and is so much better than this cretin. However, they aren’t related so not much hope for old jewels really.