Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jennifer Love Hewitt Isn’t Super-Psyched on the Dissolution of Her Engagement

Jennifer Love Hewitt and Ross McCall Pictures Photos

If you can believe it, sources on the set of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s show, The Ghost Whisperer (Seriously? That’s still on? And they canceled Studio 60? There is no God.), say that she’s seemed less than happy since she ended her relationship with longtime boyfriend and fiance, Ross McCall.

“She is usually very bubbly, but she is more quiet and seems sad,” the source says. “She usually hangs out with the crew between takes, but [Tuesday] she is only hanging out with her bodyguard.”

The source adds that skipping work wasn’t an option for the actress. “She is always so professional,” says the source. “She would never even think to miss a day of work because of personal problems.”

Eh, I like giving JLove a hard time as much as the next guy (remind me some time to tell you guys my Jennifer Love Hewitt story from before she was famous), but my heart goes out to her here. This woman has been in and out of more relationships than I care to count, and one of them finally looked like it was going to stick, and then BAM. It’s over. She’s like a Jennifer Aniston in training. Actually, that’s not true. Jennifer Aniston never got fat. Ba-dum-bum-CHING! Your rants go in the comments.

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