Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Drugs Still Kill, Ya’ll

Dr. Dre’s 20-year-old son, who was found dead in August at the family’s Woodland Hills home, died of an accidental drug overdose, coroner’s officials said today.

Andre R. Young Jr. died of “morphine and heroin intoxication,” said the coroner.

Very, very sad.

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • accidental overdose???

    You mean he didn’t stick with the recommended daily allowance of morphine and heroin?

  • Beet, it’s “y’all,” please! As in you all–y’all.

    Sorry to nitpick–I’m a Southerner and this one drives me crazy.

  • Ahh that sucks.
    Exact same thing happened to my sister…

    And it’s easy to accidentally overdose if you’re already wasted.

  • And Dre has fallen off the radar since then. That so sad, what a dumb way to die. My heart goes out to the family. Dre obviously moved him to a nice area of the valley so he would be safe, and then he messed with drugs and died young anyway. Sad.