Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kendra Sets a Date!


Ya know, just today I was thinking to myself, “I wonder if Kendra Wilkinson’s still planning on moving forward with that silly marriage idea,” because, yeah, motherfucker, that’s the kind of shit I think about, and then tonight I got my answer. She is. Kendra’s set to be married June 27, 2009 at the Playboy Mansion.

“He’s going to come out here,” she told Robin Leach at the Las Vegas launch of The Girls Next Door book. “We can’t have a wedding anywhere else because my grandma can’t fly. So I’m waiting for him to come out here and help me plan. I’m ready to just get married.”

As for whether Hugh Hefner will still walk her down the aisle as originally planned, it sounds like Kendra’s on the fence. “I think so, but I don’t know,” she said.

Um … who wants to bet that this wedding never happens?

In fact, for Kendra’s sake, who wants to pray that this wedding never happens? Because it can’t possibly end in anything but a messy, messy divorce.

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