Today's Evil Beet Gossip

R.I.P. Majel Barrett Roddenberry

The widow of Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, passed away in her Bel Air home today.

Majel voiced the computer on the USS Enterprise in many iterations of the Star Trek universe, and has guided the franchise since her husband passed away in 1991.

“My mother truly acknowledged and appreciated the fact that Star Trek fans played a vital role in keeping the Roddenberry dream alive for the past 42 years,” her son, Eugene Roddenberry Jr., said in a statement. “It was her love for the fans, and their love in return, that kept her going for so long after my father passed away.”

Above find a clip of Majel playing Dr. McCoy’s assistant, Nurse Chapel, in the original Star Trek.

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • OH NOES!!!!! Who is going to be the voice of the computer in future Star Trek adventures….

    sadness, for ST fans and her family….

  • My condolences to her son and his family.
    I wish I’d met both Gene and Barrett.
    I grew up watching Star Trek and look forward to the movie coming out in May.
    There aren’t many left to say Live Long and Prosper to.
    So I just wish to say Thanks for the fun memories and the impact Gene’s legacy has had throughout the world.
    Not a trekkie, but a long term fan.