Today's Evil Beet Gossip

As Expected, the Mickey Rourke Apology

So Mickey “Class Act” Rourke — you may remember his from his role as the bad guy in the Enrique Iglesias “Hero” video — got wasted (NO SURPRISE THERE) and, when asked by the paps about rumors that he was dating Evan Rachel Wood, spouted off about “that faggot who said all that shit in the papers.” The video (which you can watch here) quickly went viral.

Now he’s all like “Whoops, that was dumb,” and issued this apology:

“I want to sincerely apologize for the derogatory word I used,” he says in a statement. “It was insensitive and inappropriate of me and I am deeply sorry that I may have offended anyone.”

Okay, Mickey. Thanks for the apology. You can go back to not mattering now.

21 CommentsLeave a comment

  • When is he going to apologize for that crooked ass goatee thing, St. Vincent de Paul jewelry, Chia mustache, and Cryptkeeper hair?!

  • He should also apologize that he said something so stupid that he got media attention and I had to look at his fugged up face.

    seriously. his face makes my stomach hurt.

    well…… at LEAST he apologized.. there’s that I guess

  • Why are we losing all the good words? Fv¢k being politically correct. What’s the point of freedom of speech, when you’re not free to speak?

  • Oh, he’s a classy guy; his alcohol to blood content is @ 2.0%…He’s been over for the last 10 years anyway.

  • I think the following sums him up perfectly.

    As per Urban Dictionary

    Douche Bag Squared

    Someone who is so much of a douche bag that one cannot just call him/her a “d-bag” or “douche” or just plain ole “douche bag.” So you have to multiply douche bag by douche bag to truly define the individual as a super huge douche bag or just aptly put…d-bag squared.

  • all i know is he was badass in sin city, and he was willing to call tom cruise a ‘cunt’ and not worry about the hollywood powerhouses slapping his ass for it. i’d rather see his ugly mug than more pitt/jolie media propoganda. too bad he apologized though. he was probably just talking about that faggot perez.

  • Agree with Jimmy Slade. Whatever happened to the 1st amendment? Since when does any one group own the license on the word “faggot”? Rourke shouldn’t have to apologize if that’s what he believes that person to be.

  • what do you mean, Señor Loco? I think gay people own the word “faggot” just like black people own the “n” word.

    Being weight and straight, I would never use either.

    Free speech is great and all, but a lot of people don’t appreciate hateful speech. So, no, it’s like like he would get ARRESTED for making this comment. But it doesn’t mean that other people can’t frown upon his use of that word.

    Free speech doesn’t mean that you can say anything you want and no one is allowed to comment on it! Review your laws.

    I don’t think people should use either word, but I totally don’t think they should be ARRESTED for it either.


  • give the guy a break. He has a screen prescence that shines from within. The camera loves him and tom cruise is a cunt anyway. go mickey.

  • Mickey is an extraordinarily gifted actor. His looks have matured and now his looks like a man! He is still so sexy!!