Today's Evil Beet Gossip

R.I.P. Tony Hillerman

The author of the acclaimed Navajo Tribal Police mystery novels has died of pulmonary failure at the age of 83.

You know, I remember staring at those novels on the shelves of my middle school’s library and being like, “Those are the last things I’m going to read. Indians are soooooo boring.”

Why was I so unbelievably resistant to learning about Native American culture as a child growing up in Arizona? Was it just that the material was damn near forced into our heads as kids in that region? Was I rebelling? Was it that the culture was so far removed from my own that I found it unrelateable? I’ve learned to appreciate Native American culture and wisdom in all new ways as an adult.

So if you want to know what to get the girl who has everything as a holiday gift?

I want Tony Hillerman books.

And also a pony.

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  • as an arizonan myself, its totally the fact that the school system shoves it down our throat at every possible moment. hell our school even had native americans come several times a year to “educate” us poor, ignorant to the ways of nature, white folks.

  • no, you were right all along beet. indians are boring. especially the ones with the red dots on their foreheads. yawn.