Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Is Britney Spears Broadway-Bound?

I have to admit I was a little surprised last week to see photos of Britney Spears going to see In the Heights on Broadway. I understand she’s getting her life together, but going to see a Broadway show is a little too cultured, even for Britney. I mean, let’s start with little things, like keeping the pack of cigarettes away from the children on a daily basis.

The show is a musical about a Latino neighborhood of Washington Heights in Manhattan.

And Britney is, apparently, considering making her own Broadway debut soon.

Is Britney Spears heading to Broadway? The singer stopped by to see “In the Heights” last week, and pals close to the fallen (and risen?) pop princess say she may be searching for a part to make her stage debut. If Ashlee Simpson can do it, that means anyone can, right?

Ashlee Simpson didn’t do Broadway — she appeared in Chicago in London — but still. Broadway is totally the new sex tape. All the cool kids are doing it.

And I would pay a ridiculous amount of money to see Britney play some Latina chick from the barrio. I would make a trip to NYC in the distant hope that she’d wear spit curls and say things like “Andale!” and “Oh no you di-int.”

23 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I doubt that Britney could handle being in a Broadway play doing anything at all. They don’t allow lip synching on-stage.

  • 1. You have to rehearse and remember stuff to do live theatre.

    2. More importantly, what’s that big red mark on her right arm??

  • Shmica,

    No, no they do… just like all Jewish princesses and all black women from the ghetto say things like …

    …wait….no … I’m not lame like that.

    Evil Beet = -1

  • I seriously hope this isn’t true. That she could even think she has BROADWAY talent is the biggest joke ever.

  • OMG you people, lol, you guys crack me up. That tattoo on her wrist is dice, she got it when her K-Fed start their relationship. He has a matching tattoo.

    I hope this is true, because one, she does have talent, and two if Ashley Simpson can perform on Broadway, then I could, and my singing sounds like a cat being tortured in a very deep metal bucket with non stop chain saws.

  • That wide open mouth smile is so fake, I wish she quit it already. Everyone knows she’s not that damn happy.

  • The problem with Hollywood celebrities on Broadway is this:

    Much like Mario Lopez in A Chorus Line, they usually have ridiculous demands and they often aren’t Broadway caliber to begin with. They are used to generate more ticket sales because the average American can’t imagine going to see something that doesn’t include someone they’ve seen on television or in a movie theater.

    True Broadway stars prepare and dream of staring in a show their whole lives. These are the people everyone should be going to see. The triple threats, the ones who have worked hard and put all their heart and soul into making it on the great White Way.

    As far as Britney on Broadway goes: I would pay to have seats empty and see her fail big on Broadway. She hasn’t earned a spot there, and I hope all the NYC producers see it that way too.