Today's Evil Beet Gossip

You Guys MUST See Tropic Thunder

I just got back from the press screening of Tropic Thunder, the new Ben Stiller flick, and I have to say that it was the funniest movie I’ve seen in years. Seriously. Fucking hilarious. Amazing. I laughed non-stop. Everybody in it is freakin’ phenomenal, and you know the weirdest part?

Even Tom Cruise is awesome.

He plays moneyman Les Grossman, who’s rumored to be based heavily on Viacom head Sumner Redstone, who nobody hates more than Tom Cruise. So Tom plays him as a narcissistic, evil, heartless, insane, booty-shaking maniac. He commits totally, and it is, I must say, quite brilliant and hilarious.

I sincerely urge everybody to go see this film. I really can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard in a movie. It was fab.

But I got up early today and had a long day (and did yoga! I am both fit and spiritual!) so I’m going to bed early. I’ll be back tomorrow morning, when hopefully something interesting will be happening.

If you need something to entertain you until I get back, please read this article on the burgeoning practice of doggie yoga. I stumbled upon it earlier today, and then spent the rest of the afternoon attempting to take a picture of Leo in tree pose. I made my coworkers help out. So really the entire office was unproductive. I’m a team player like that. One person held Leo’s hands together, and another person tried to lift his left foot up against his right knee, and one person held the camera, and, in general, the end result was that Leo did not stay still and eventually peed. Seriously he peed on my hand three separate times while I was trying to do the legs and then he started crying and that’s when we stopped. He did not find it relaxing and enjoyable like the article said he would. Moral: Yoga is not for dogs, dumbasses.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Yeah!!! I can’t wait! There’s nothing worse than anticipating a kick-ass film and then having it turn out to be a dud. So am thrilled to hear it kick’s ass!!! I don’t know when it comes out here, but I can’t wait! :-) :-)

    As for Leo… poor guy! It’s bad enough you make him wear clothes… but yoga?! I had a girlfriend that had a little dog that she dressed up. She’d bring him over in sweaters and whatnot for me to watch… 3 seconds after she was out the door the dog was out of the sweater. Can I just tell you, he was sooooo excited to be freed of that sweater!!! I don’t know if he didn’t like being bound by the clothes, or he was just thoroughly embarrassed (or both). Moral of the story: Dogs hate clothes. :-) Guys hate dogs in clothes. :-)

    @ Leo: Hang in there bud. :-) This too shall pass.

  • ew. ben stiller is a wang, and certainly not funny. tom cruise? well, that’s just the icing on a crappy cake, now isn’t it?


  • I love Ben Stiller, but I’ve found his last few movies rubbish. Your comments give me hope, thank you. I’ll def go see this now.

  • I’m sooo not a Ben Stiller fan, Beet. Is his dad in it. I’ll go see it if Jerry is in it. There a Festivous for all of us!

  • Never ceases to amaze me that you get press passes. Considering how lousy you are at this and all. Do you actually get paid to blog?

  • Beet is a great blogger but it is painfully obviously she is being forced to write good things about certain movies and/or products. I assume her host site wants the revenue because Beet is always pimping things.