Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Hey Guess What? Lindsay Lohan Is Samantha Ronson’s Girlfriend!!! (And Vice-Versa!)

In case there was any lingering doubt in your mind that SamRo and LiLo are hot and heavy, Daisy Lowe -- who is the girlfriend of Sam's brother, Mark Ronson -- cleared things up in a recent interview. “Lindsay is really down to earth. Her and Sam make a lovely couple - they seem really happy," she says. "Their relationship is totally genuine. And they're just so sweet together. Mark totally approves. But we're not going to double-date again - I mean, would you go on a date with your bro...

MORE Photos of Sienna Miller Topless!!

Add 'em to the collection! This girl just LOVES being naked. You know she's aware she's being photographed at this point. She's totally loving it. Which would be fine if it weren't for the fact that her partner in crime is the married father of four. Like, we get it, Sienna, he's separated and all, but do you really have to flaunt it? The guy has young kids. Uncensored photos are after the jump. Update: Photos removed on request. />...

Back to Brandon???

Ick!!! Super-hottie model Miranda Kerr has reportedly broken up with boyfriend Orlando Bloom -- and landed back in the arms of her ex, greasy, alcoholic billionaire Brandon Davis. Brandon and Miranda were spotted sucking face all over the NYC club scene earlier this week. Who would want to kiss Brandon Davis? I'd honestly be worried about horrible acne break-outs with my skin in such close proximity to all his grease. It seems like quite a risk to take for someone who makes her living ...

Sarah Silverman Earns an Emmy Nod

Congratulations to Sarah Silverman! Not only did she get rid of that waste of space boyfriend Jimmy Kimmel this week, she earned an Emmy nod for the brilliant song "I'm Fucking Matt Damon." She is up for the Emmy in the category of outstanding original music and lyrics. Just to remind you how amazing the song is, I've reposted it above. /> Congratulations to Sarah Silverman! Not only did she get rid of that waste of space boyfriend Jimmy Kimmel this week, she earned an Emmy nod for the brilliant song "I'm Fucking Matt Damon." She is up for the Emmy in the category of outstanding original music and lyrics. Just to remind you how amazing the song is, I've reposted it above. ...

Ronnie Wood Checks into Rehab

Following his little tryst with a 19-year-old Russian girl (with whom he cheated on his wife of 23 years), Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood has checked himself into rehab. "Following Ronnie's continued battle with alcohol he has entered a period of rehab," the spokeswoman said on condition of anonymity as required by her agency. "His close family and friends say he is seeking help and look forward to his recovery." Dude, when is science going to come up with a shot or a pill or something that we can give to alcoholics and addicts to make t...

Balthazar Getty’s Wife “Humiliated” by His Affair with Sienna Miller

If you can believe it, the wife of billionaire Balthazar Getty is less than thrilled that he's taken up with Sienna Miller, frolicking around naked with the starlet every chance he gets. "It's humiliating," a friend of his wife says. "Rosetta left the country to protect the kids, and he continues to see Sienna publicly." The couple were married in 2000, and have four kids together. The youngest is 10 months old. SCANDALOUS!!!...

Barenaked Ladies Singer to Fight Cocaine Charges

Ugh. Internet connection's on the fritz this morning. Grrr. Makes for an unhappy Beet. (And possibly for slow posting, sorry.) But as bad as my day's starting off, it's still not as bad as what Steven Page is going through. The lead singer of Barenaked Ladies was arrested earlier this week on cocaine charges, which he apparently plans to fight tooth and nail. According to a statement on the band's website: "Many of you have probably read or heard press accounts about Steven Page's rece...

The Dark Knight!!!

Sorry I've been gone so much of the day, kids. I hit up The Dark Knight screening in Seattle tonight, and then went to a late dinner with friends. Anyway, I'm not going to give anything away, except to say that the new Batman flick is FUCKING AMAZING!!! Seriously, EVERYTHING about it works. It's just such a fun flick on so many levels. I absolutely loved it. Plus, I got to see it on IMAX at the Pacific Science Center, which just made the whole experience even cooler. If you can see it on I...