Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Are Things Getting Worse for Drew Barrymore?

First off: don’t shoot the messenger.

I know you all love Drew.

I love Drew, too.

But this is my job. And I love my job.

Since the twice-rehabbed Drew’s split from Justin Long, all sorts of stories have surfaced, in a variety of publications, implying that her drinking has been out of control, and that her alcohol problem contributed to her split from Justin Long.

Drew is currently in Michigan working on her directorial debut, Whip It, starring Ellen Page. Perhaps the pressure of directing combined with the stress of the break-up has just been too much for her, because now sources are reporting to Evil Beet exclusively that Drew’s been hitting more than the bottle. On-set lackies have allegedly caught her snorting some of the white stuff. Not Pixie Stix. Use your imagination.

Additionally, sources report that Drew’s been receiving tons of phone calls from Justin, but she refuses to talk to him. After getting tired of screening his calls herself, Drew handed her cell to an assistant on set and said “Make sure his calls don’t get through.”

Aw, this doesn’t sound good at all. I hope Drew’s okay!

31 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Uh, not everyone loves Drew Barrymore…please don’t speak on our behalf. She is blah, boring and annoying! You can have her and that Cameron Diaz chick as well. Would somebody please stop letting these talentless hos make movies. I mean enough is enough!

  • I think you should post more often, I have enjoyed this so far. Added to my reader. Btw, my blog is dofollow, stop by and grab a link. SusanO

  • I love Drew, just not as a serious actress.
    It is sad to read about a possible downfall with her, but everyone has to remember that she was in rehab by THIRTEEN YEARS OLD. It was bound to happen (a major relapse) again at some point. Yes, some people are able to move past their addictions, but some are not.
    I’m a big fan of blind items (I know, I’m lame), and there have been many over the past year where she has been the major guesses for..and they all include heavy drinking and drug use. So. I’m not really surprised. Just sad.

  • Thats a terrible picture you chose to use Beet. She looks like a seal or a soaking wet dog in that…

  • Drew caught him sleeping with a man and she dumped his ass. The Mac guy is gay I tell you.

  • I have viewed many of her hooott intimate videos and photos at~~~(((( ~~~))))~~where many fans are together, also i’v meet kinds of black and white single men and girls who are hunger for true love online :)

  • i was up late last night and the thought crossed my mind that drew barrymore would’ve been very good as rachel in batman. hahahahahahaaa

  • I never understood the appeal of Drew Barrymore,
    other than the fact that several generations of her family are famous.

  • This sounds like bullshit to me. I suspect it is. I don’t know why, but even if she were to ever ‘slip’, I seriously doubt she’d ever do it at work. That’s why I suspect it’s completely fabricated.

  • By the way, if the only ‘sources’ you have are ‘on-set lackies’, that may explain the made up stories. Maybe she forgot to say please or thank you one day and someone decided to pass along a bit of make believe.

  • I hope it’s not true, she’s been a hands on producer since the Charlie’s Angel’s films – most people say that is a harder job, and she’s really professional, why she and the mac guy broke up is personal and neither of them will ever say, she’s working – maybe she is drinking more than she should, who’s to say.

    I don’t think so far it’s affected her career, if she was a drunk no studio would have green lit a movie for a first time director. I hope its not true because she is talented.

  • Disagree with Windy, I think she looks amazing. But then, Drew never looks even remotely bad in my eyes, I love her!

  • I have a feeling this is DIRT news…. i really doubt this is the truth.
    it if it, i hope that drew can get herself back together and im sure she can and will!
    I LOVE DREW!!!!!

  • As a recovering alcoholic of almost seven years, I can say that I truly hope and pray that Drew has not gone back to her old ways. It has always amazed me the way people have negative and often cruel things to say about those who struggle with addictions. I myself, suspect that they too struggle with an addiction. The addiction of gossip and cruelty. I wish Drew the best of luck and I do hope that this is just one of those gossip addicts spreading lies and that she is still on the wagon.

  • I love Drew, I watched her grow up. She’s been seen all over the Ann Arbor area drinking but I had not put any credibility in to third hnd reports of my childrens friends. Then my two college age kids went out to a local hot spot with friends on July 18th and saw it for themselves. they said she was extremely drunk, not okay if you’re an alcoholic twice in rehab (at 13 and 14). I pray she gets help. She beat it once and stayed sober for years. She can do it again. I hope the cocaine rumors aren’t true.

  • Why do you think they call them lackey’s?? They aren’t famous so let’s make something up about someone who is famous. I seriously doubt cocaine is visible on the set seeing as corporations have taken over the movie biz,and insurance premiums would….not be available. Not saying Cocaine isn’t still used. But given the times, there is no way any one get’s away with doing it openly on site. Might I also add that too much attention is paid attention to performers and their addictions. I am way more bothered by the drug addicts running our country. Get informed.

  • I absolutely love and adore Drew Barrymore!!
    Drew is a wonderful breath of fresh air with a great spirit!!
    I seriously doubt that this is true!! Drew has come a long way both professionally and personally and we do have to remember that she is a human being just like the rest of us!!!
    Anyways, I hate anyone who bad-mouths her because I think she is wonderful!!!
    I love U Drew!!!!!

  • Here’s the thing – if you are 13 and 14 you should NOT be having even one drink. So, if you are having more than one you should most definetly be rehabbed because of your age. However, you were 13/14, young and clearly stupid. You can’t really fault the girl for wanting to have a drink at thirty-something. I wouldn’t really call it “falling off the wagon”. The coke thing – if true which is doubtful – not so great. But there isn’t much you can believe in Hollywood anyway. So, I hope, for her sake, she doesn’t have a problem and the directing thing works out well for her.

  • You mother fuckers! This is a bunch of crap and you know it. You are just upset because you’ll never make as big in Hollywood as her and want to rip a big actress to your level. I think I will e-mail Drew about this and I hopes she sues the hell out of you! If this is true, why haven’t we heard more about it. People would be watching her like a hulk. I just read on a site that she’s very happy being alone so she can work with the United Nations and work harder on the movie. She said the same thing in October to Jay Leno. She also said that she is tired of dating and would rather be alone. One more thing, she broke up with Justin Long because he was acting immature. SHE DOES NOT MISS HIM!

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