Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lily Allen: Back to Brown

The pink hair was pretty cool, but it looked like shit as it started to fade.

Now Lily’s like me: a brunette!


Also, Lily’s reportedly back on with her former flame Ed Simons.

16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Beet… your body is injured and it’s trying to make you sleep so it can heal. I’m going through the same thing with my wrist… had surgery on it two weeks ago. Think of it as a prescription to be lazy…. doctor’s orders. Just after typing this I need to lie down and take a pain pill…… wonder if Jon and Kate plus 8 is on….. you got me totally addicted to that show! People keep asking me if it’s scared me out of having kids and I say Hell No… now I’m super excited to have ONE kid! No in-vitro for me though thanks!

  • Elizabeth is talking about my twitter feed.

    And, yes, I would take it as a prescription to be lazy, but YOU GUYS NEED YOUR GOSSIP!!! Ha ha! But I am sleeping WAY more than usual as I heal, so don’t kill me if things are a little slower than usual around here.

  • Lily will never realize, no matter how many times we tell her, to put on a bra.
    I love her!

  • Love the brunette! Shes’ a hot girl just like you Beet! Yeah,headlights on high-beam fo’sho!

  • She should’ve kept the blonde a little longer. Looks like she’s gained back some weight too.

  • oh lilly,i did like you so much but reading about your love of cock & booze you are now in the crack whore catorgry,don’t despair though i would still give you a good fucking you dirty little slut