Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Wonky Eye Mystery Solved!!!

Paris Hilton’s weird wonky eye which bloggers love to tease her for is reportedly the result of an eye-lift surgery gone wrong. It is depressing that celebrities such as Tara Reid and Paris Hilton have gotten such bad plastic surgery. I bet they both got some coupon for the same guy in a gift bag at some lame club opening.

Evidently this surgery was done six years ago which would make Paris 19 when she got it done. Looking at old photos of Miss Hilton me thinks she has had a few little procedures over the years.

I honestly think she was on her way to looking normal when she was a teenager. Sometimes the combination of hair extensions, spray tanning and bad plastic surgery are never a good idea. She is a cautionary tale Suri Cruise, Apple Martin, and Violet Affleck. Just say no.


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