Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Larry Birkhead

Larry is the Babydaddy!

Congrats to Larry Birkhead who was just confirmed to be the father of Dannielynn Hope. The Bahamanian court just made their ruling and about 100 tourists and members of the media waited...

Larry Birkhead Dumps His Attorney

Woo hoo! I read, like, three articles about the Anna Nicole Smith saga today. Somebody give me a cookie! It really hurts my head to follow this stuff these days, but this seemed like an...

Larry Birkhead on Entourage

Over the past few months, we have seen without a shadow of a doubt that Anna Nicole potential impregnator Larry Birkhead is — if nothing else — a genius at making an household...

Late-Night Links

Prince Harry has officially been deployed to Iraq, where his Nazi garb should go over particularly well. [A Socialite’s Life] Rumor has it Jennifer Lopez will be performing on...

Anna Nicole Verdict…

Liveblog: Man this judge is a jackass. What a blow-hard. A bunch of stuff was denied. I don’t understand the legalese. Jesus, this judge looks like he’s trying not to cry. What...

Anna Nicole Meets Oz

Watching the Anna Nicole body snatching trial on Cnn and Msnbc is just brutal. The judge is like nothing I’ve ever witnessed in a courtroom, a complete jackass, completely...

The Anna Nicole Remains Trial: Day One

The Florida court proceedings to determine what will happen with Anna Nicole’s body began this morning. Before I begin with a recap, let me quickly explain to you (to the best of my...

Anna Nicole News Real Quick

Let’s just get this out of the way, so we can get on with our day. A Florida judge has ordered that Anna Nicole’s body not be released until DNA testing can be performed as...